Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Child of the Moon

Child of the Moon

Blog of the week. Enjoy!

Map of Human Knowledge

Map of Human Knowledge

Not that I possess a lot of 'smarts' myself - my husband shared this with's astonishing.

Easy Bake Coven // Alt Culture

Easy Bake Coven // Alt Culture

It's wonderful to 're-find' this blog...

Well worth your time to read, folks...

Reflections on the Blog

In November, my blog will be 8 years old....

I have thought a lot about what I wanted to say about that...nothing was really springing to mind.

I set out to use this blog to help myself.   To get over something that was too horrible to keep inside.  I never meant to cause pain, or get retribution.  I just needed a place to vent.  I seem to have gotten that in spades.

Over the years, I know I've been petty here.  I've shown a side of me that is not pretty.  I've tried being honest and keeping to my true self as much as possible....I am sure I've failed at that as well at times.

I have caused pain with this blog and for that I am sorry.  But also, I have found my voice through this blog.  I've written pieces that I hope to get published (if I'd just get off of my ass and do that).  I've made 'friends' here, some of them I still have the pleasure of 'knowing'.  One of those friends and I caught up today and I can not tell you how much joy it gave me to reconnect with him and find out he is happily married and doing very well.  Blessings be upon his house.

I've chronicled my sorrows, my hopes, my fears, my aspirations, my frustrations, my career path and all manner of life as it takes it's shape and hue and forms my 'world'.  I've had people reach out to me and share their sorrows, hopes, fears, and joys and I have been humbled and honored to be a small part of their lives.

I want to thank some people that I've known from early on and name them...maybe they still read this, perhaps they don't but they were a part of this process from it's inception:

Jeff Hess - Author of   Have Coffee Will Write
George Nemeth - Author of Brewed Fresh Daily
Linda - Author of  Auterrific
Guru Stu - Author of Guru Stu's Muse
Tish - Author of Love and Hope and Sex and Dreams
Liam - Author of Liam's Odd Musings
All the Amazing Women of Blog Sisters
Sue - Author of Easy Bake Coven
My wonderful husband, Erin (who came on board years after the 'worst' had happened and now makes it possible for me to experience 'the best' life offers in terms of love and marriage).

I am sure there are countless others I have not thanked, people who have sent me encouragement and somehow found help through my writing.  Thank you all for reading and for your responses.  Every single one has meant a lot to me.

I have to also mention the phenomenon of having people read my writing about 'Awful Normal' - I am not sure what has happened but if I have helped one person by speaking out - again - it was all worth the time and the pain.

I do not know what the future holds for the blog...maybe (LOL) a book deal?  Who knows.  But I do know I've enjoyed writing and reading and will continue to do so.

Peace and Love to you All,
Colette - October 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

'The Rules'

Ever watch Bill Maher?  He's one of my heroes.   He does something called 'New Rules' and they can be rather brutal.

Here, I just call them 'The Rules'  -- This is actually going out to someone specifically (GGS) and I would hate to have her ruin the 'fun' (being sarcastic here) of a certain post of mine that gets a shit ton of hits because of the nature of said post.

If you are going to said post in order to vent or look for a compassionate ear absolutely, you are welcome; by all means PLEASE use that post (or any other posts that speak to you for that matter) for that purpose.
If you come here and you want to leave commentary that is fine go ahead.  You may end up with me telling you off and that is fine too. Why, you may ask is it OK for me to tell people off?  That is simple (even though this may sound childish/bratty - but for those of you who missed this the first time around and are simply too busy to read WAY back in my blog):


#1 Cause this is MY blog. 

#2 You do not, nor will you ever, unless I have given you express written consent, have the right to use MY blog as YOUR blog/forum.  If you do I will remove your comments and ban you from this blog. 

Go write your own blog.  Go seek out comments on your own blog.

I am open to debate, I am open to people disagreeing with me.  I am not open to your pandering, your advertising your blog and/or to your particular brand of abuse if you start to get nasty. You don't like it - here's some advice.  GO WRITE ON YOUR BLOG.

Got it? 


Carry on.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

...and now, for something completely different

The OTHER types of e-mails I get sent (believe it or not), are religious in nature and so now I want to share with you the offer (from Russia with Love) for me to be able to purchase 'the Best St. Nicholas Statue' EVER!

That's right folks, you too can purchase your very own 'Best St. Nicholas Statue' EVER!

Take a look and tell me what you think:


I am flattered by a couple of recent e-mails I've received asking if I want to promote sex toys here on the blog....

Um...thank you but no thank you (unless you would pay me oodles of money to do so).  While I myself think that sex toys are fun (they're toys right?) - I try to keep that sort of thing under wraps as it were.

I do realize that over the years, I've written a lot about sexuality and relationship - but I don't think I ever got quite that crass.

Again thank you and keep those cards and letters coming in folks.  ^_^

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Just much going on....trying to focus...getting nowhere.

I need to finish writing my story and then try to put something akin to a novel together.

I need to find a class to teach/a class to take....but I don't know how I am suppose to pay for school.

I have been teaching PSR and I want to reach the kids and make them think about their faith, their choices, think just in general but I swear each year it gets harder.  And yeah little boy Karma works...just not in the way you think it does and can you parents out there please stop filling your kids heads with half-baked/half-assed ideas when you can't properly explain them or their meanings to your kids.  Thanks.  Oh and by the way, my time is valuable, just as valuable as yours - get your kids to class on time.

The whole body politic is so totally over-rated in this country.  I gotta ask WTF good is it doing to point fingers at one another and blame everyone else for the problems.  How about sitting down and working TOGETHER for a solution.  What this country needs is another revolution and I don't mean at the hands of the idiots in the so-called Tea Party.

I want to leave, I want to move far, far away but I have obligations and now more to come.  Sometimes I think I am going to be too old and too tired by the time I get the chance to really go...

R.E.M. - Drive (Video)

I had to share this one of my favs

R.I.P. R.E.M. - Everybody Hurts (Video)

Wow....I will REALLY miss this band. Great run. Thank you for the music