Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I've been reduced to moderating comments thanks to yet another idiot out know the ones who never learned that whole: 'If you cant' say anything nice, shut the hell up' lesson....

Other stuff sucks too...but hey it's life...maybe I'll discuss....maybe not.

Hope your holiday was wonderful....hope the coming ones are even nicer.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Quote from a bumper sticker

"We can bomb the world to pieces; But we can't bomb it into peace"

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Teen Sex, Videos And The Law : NPR

Teen Sex, Videos And The Law : NPR

I think every parent should listen to this and come to the realization that we need to have a dialog about this issue and help BOTH sexes to make better choices about their lives.

Peanuts Meets H.P. Lovecraft

Peanuts Meets H.P. Lovecraft

LOL....just in a sharing kind of mood tonight.

TopatoCo: Science Is A Verb Now Shirt

TopatoCo: Science Is A Verb Now Shirt

'Science Is A Verb Now' T-shirt...


This rocks!

Anonymous - The Movie


Last night for 'date night' my husband and I went to see the movie about the bard who was apparently not 'THE BARD'....

Indeed the movie has quite a lot of 'the plot thickens' going on - almost too much to keep track of - but all in all I enjoyed this one immensely. Great review here

I found the final deathbed scene a bit contrived as well. However I'd give this at least 3.5 stars or thumbs (not being bitten at you ^_^) - the acting was great and the staging wonderful. If you, like me, are a literary nut, it's worth a trip to your local theatre.

I enjoy these date nights with my husband and visiting the Cleveland Heights area is a bit nostalgic. I become more resolved to spend time there - I miss the Cedar Lee especially and the bistros.

Thank you once again my love for an enjoyable evening.