Saturday, March 29, 2008


How can one drown in mundanery...lackluster stuff? How does that work?

I can understand drowning as in being overwhelmed. Drowning in boredom?

There is so much stuff to do, not enough time nor energy to do it in...I so want to just relax and not worry about the crap of day-to-day bullshit...something about better things to do with my time.


Monday, March 24, 2008

Catwoman: Feminine Power, on the Prowl : NPR

Catwoman: Feminine Power, on the Prowl : NPR

For those of us who remember the 'campy' TV show with fondness (or nausea - I can't quite remember anymore....LOL).

Vote for your fav Catwoman (I think the ultimate was Julie Newmar - just leave comments - that is if you are OLD enough to remember - or perhaps you just watched Nick at Night).

(Erin and I were just talking about 'girl/female' comic book superheroes/heroines - it's a cause and affect universe don't ya know....)

Anyhow, Catwoman rocked, Batgirl was lame - as were many of the other female comic book (supposed) superheroines.



A Delightful, Awful Marriage to a Pet Parrot : NPR

A Delightful, Awful Marriage to a Pet Parrot : NPR

This story had me laughing out loud. For any o fyou who love your pets (a bit too much - to the point of possible/probable neurosis), read/listen and enjoy.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Equinox - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dalai Lama threatens to step down - China-

Dalai Lama threatens to step down - China-

I have a lot to say about this....just not now.....


And here goes....

Such a strange thing to hear the Dalai Lama threaten to ‘quit’ – the fact that he had to have someone ‘interpret’ his sentiment (which for the record, I applaud - his sentiment that is) – seems even stranger.

It is so hard for me to watch what is happening in Tibet and not feel the frustration and heartbreak of a people who are being oppressed day after day…sort of like the people of Ireland wanting to break free from English rule – except in the case of the IRA they used those nasty bombs and things– so I suppose it’s a little different.

But you know Mr. Lama – if I may be so bold….

People get fed up – sure your denizens want to live their lives in lovingkindness and compassion – but after generations of this crap – don’t you think they are getting tired of being ruled by an uncaring/unfeeling Chinese government? How can you expect people to be saints? How can you expect them to constantly turn the other cheek? Where does it get them in this lifetime? Is the cost of Nirvana really worth the suffering? Yes, all life is suffering – I get that premise. But should we not fight the good fight? Which fight do we fight, the one that keeps us free in THIS lifetime or the one that keeps us holy in the next? Should the blacks have simply accepted slavery? See what I mean? Hard questions and I honor the Dalai and all that he represents here on earth - but (I've asked this question before) - when is enough, enough?

Free Tibet!

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Choral Music for Palm Sunday: 'Miserere' : NPR Music

Choral Music for Palm Sunday: 'Miserere' : NPR Music

For Holy Week - a beautiful piece of music with an unusual history. Gave me goosebumps in that Roman-Catholic-Latin-Gothic sort of way.

You can hear the piece in it's entirety by clicking on the link in the story.

Sports in America Increasingly Becoming Child's Play : NPR

Sports in America Increasingly Becoming Child's Play : NPR

Great article - I have always loved his commentary.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Thank you....

I am at the end of the day - my birthday. I am going to bed soon. I will sleep the sleep of the content.

Friday night was nice seeing my son's band perform at a local small venue. I found posters in the tavern with their name splashed across and I grabbed myself one. I also got one for my son and one for his band mate's parents. After they tore down their equipment I had my son and his friend sign their poster.

Yesterday I went into work - worked for several hours and came home. Took a shower and got ready to go out with Erin to meet some of our friends for dinner - then we were off to a concert at a church out in Hudson, Ohio. We all met for dinner at the Yours Truly. I was given gifts and cards by the boys (Liam, Christopher, Ken and my love). The cards were great. Liam and Christopher bought me a cute little framed picture bearing my birth name. The gift that surprised me the most though was from my love, Erin. He managed to frame the poster that I had gotten with my son's band name. But even more of a surprise, was that he had also framed wedding pictures of my parents that I had been meaning to have framed for years (literally). I was so touched when I saw those pictures that I cried like a baby. What a meaningful and beautiful gesture/gift. I will treasure this for years to come. I know I am marrying the right man.

We didn't get to see the concert after all - there was some kind of mix up and the performers were not at the church as advertised so instead we all hung out at a local coffee shop and talked and listened to a folk singer (his website is here) that Erin and I had seen previously at The Barking Spider (a fine establishment at CWRU for live music, the company of intelligent friends, and a good pitcher of beer). All in all a wonderful evening with people I love.

Erin and I went home, made love to one another, woke up and went to mass. We then got to have brunch with some friends of ours from church, afterwards, we went to pick out my wedding band. This evening we stayed home, had a wonderful dinner, watched Guess Who's Coming to Dinner and, in between I received phone calls from family wishing me a happy birthday and sending me their love....

Thank you - all of you. I am forever blessed to have you in my life and I hope I tell often enough how much you all truly mean to me and how much I in turn love you all.

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Our Quest for Love ::GenQ

Our Quest for Love ::GenQ

I am blessed to call the man a friend of mine. I got to spend last night hanging out with him and other dear close loved ones. (More on this in a second).

He is wise - beyond his years - he is intelligent and he is a great writer. I hope and pray that since he actually DOES know the true meaning of love that one day he finds a love worthy of him and that is brings him joy and comfort....unconditionally.

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Friday, March 14, 2008

NPR Music: St. Patrick's Day Favorites from James Galway

Speaking of....


I have a lot planned for the weekend.

Last night my sister and I met and she bought me dinner for my birthday - it was fun getting together and I wish we lived closer to one another.

Tonight my son's band is playing at the Beachland Ballroom here in C-town. Can't wait to see him - I am very proud of him for having the guts to get up on stage and this has to be the best b-day gift I could get - seeing him realise his dreams.

Tomorrow (UGH!) I have to go to work - but afterwards I plan to spend part of the afternoon with Erin (perhaps shopping) and then off to Hudson, OH to meet some of my favourite people for dinner and then a concert featuring Medieval/Celtic music at St. Mary's church.

Sunday - the actual DAY - I'd like nothing more than to sleep in - but instead I am going to go to mass early with Erin so I can spend as much of the day as possible with him. Afterwards, I am not sure, brunch maybe - more shopping? Who can say....but as long as I get to be with my love it's all good.

I hope you all have a glorious weekend.



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Thursday, March 13, 2008

It's my party...

...and I'll die if I want to....

(Just kidding)

Anyhow...this weekend I will be passing another year mark in the 'awful rowing towards God' - as Anne Sexton calls it...

I feel it's time to take a bit of a life inventory.

The new job sucks - period. I use none of my 'creative juices' and it's my fault I admit - I took the first job I oculd - looking has become an exercise in futility {*gasp* I mentioned my futilities (sorry inside joke)}.

I have to get in better shape. I have to finish planning wedding stuff. I need to get more centered.

Last night, I applied to go to college for the spring term in 2009. We shall see where that leads. I think I am going to go to school on the weekends and try to re-shape my career - studying something meaningful and hopefully it will lead to a better job.

When I look back over my life what I see is a girl who became a woman who fought against the odds to try to remain true to herself. At times, this has cost me dearly - but I still try despite everything to remain true - to be me. This 'ME' is a constantly changing evolving creation/creature - human none-the-less. As I reflect on not just how I got here but the outlook/future ahead I feel content, despite frustrations - hopeful as always that the adventure will continue for a long time to come.

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unseen dharamsala

It's a blog of note (rightly so), and blog of the week here on DOCG

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Saturday, March 08, 2008


....that last rant...

The snow is so beautiful....I am here writing, having a cup of coffee, my love is in the kitchen making brioche (yes I said BRIOCHE - which was what he made for me the morning after we first slept together).....we are listening to Celtic music ('Fire in the Kitchen') - we will soon go and take a shower together, eat the brioche and go out and play in the snow together.

I love this part of our lives...I love Erin.

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WTF? (Part 1,234,567)

What. The. Fuck.

OK so here in Cleveburg we find out there is a winter storm a coming....fine. I am assuming that the people at ODOT get the same news/weather that we do unless there is some kind of news/weather blackout for them.....

So how come when they have literally all night and all day BEFORE the fucking storm hits full force, are the roads not even touched??? No salt/de-icer, no plowing, nothing. It was rush hour traffic yesterday; actually people were leaving work early because they were all so freaked out about the storm - not a single crew on the road. Despite this - things seemed to be going well on the road (or at least on the stretch of road I was travelling down); everyone was taking their time when suddenly, the road crews descended - THEY HAD BEEN SITTING ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD - (Waiting for what? The Bat Signal?) - they then decide to MERGE with traffic and suddenly we were all reduced to going 5 miles per hour - a trip that normally takes me 25-35 minutes took me two hours....

This is a constant complaint amongst the people of Cleveburg that I speak to who have to drive - where the hell are the crews when they know this is coming? Why aren't the major interstates passable? Is there some special doughnut shop where they and the city police all hang out while crime runs rampant and storms do their worst?


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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Pure Joy/Excitement

We're going to Ireland for our honeymoon

(*does an incredibly happy jig*)

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Gary Gygax, Game Pioneer, Dies at 69

Gary Gygax, Game Pioneer, Dies at 69

For all my gaming and geek friends

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NPR Music: SXSW Preview

NPR Music: SXSW Preview

For 2 reasons....

#1 Because I have ALWAYS wanted to go to this festival (and the Bonnaroo Music Festival).

#2 Because I am ALWAYS looking for new music to listen to (and I am saving this to listen to later and now so can you).



Men who do housework may get more sex - Yahoo! News

Men who do housework may get more sex

...well fucking DUH! No shit Sherlock. Ya Think?????

All I can say is I have a wonderful man who does everything around the house - he is a good person, a good dad, and a good husband. I am very lucky.

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1888 photo depicts Helen Keller, teacher

1888 photo depicts Helen Keller, teacher

I must have been aobut 9 years old or so when I read the compelling story about Anne Sullivan and her brave attempt to teach the now renown Helen Keller. That story inspired me and stuck with me to this day.

I want to find some of those old book/movies etc. that made an impact on me in my youth - who knows - perhaps I can pass them onto someone else - not sure if in this high-tech-faster-than-the-speed-of-light world that any of this old-fashioned stuff matters anymore but it's worth a shot.

Monday, March 03, 2008

'A big thumbs up from the body parts beat'

Dave Barry: A big thumbs up from the body parts beat

I read this tonight and thought it was funny enough to pass on - if you are not familiar with his humour, I suggest you read his columns on a regular basis - he's great.

Goody bags gone bad -

Goody bags gone bad -

The Anarchy (and hope) of youth....

Mr. Campanelli's (very well written) article today, combined with a rather trying past couple of days with the kids on the home front had me in a tizzy and ready to trash every young person I came within 5 feet of - wanting to grab them by their collars, box their ears, and scream at them until they got rid of their selfish attitudes and their me, me, me, more, more, more view of the world....

In this article, the one quote that summed it all up was from Professor Bill Doherty of the Department of Family and Social Science at the University of Minnesota: "Kids are overindulged and feel entitled - it leads to the sense that I deserve everything in life...And that I should never go anywhere for somebody else. There has to be something in it for me."

Had I, in my youth, even remotely acted like the brats I see walking around today, I'd have been knocked into next week. And, I blame the parents - at least the parents of the younger set - WHAT THE FUCK are you thinking? Is excess and entitlement something you truly want to pass onto your children as a trait even if you ARE rich enough to do so? What - the world needs more Paris Hilton's and Nicole Richie's? Do the words spoiled brats mean anything to anyone anymore (as in a NEGATIVE connotation)???

Anyhow - I was mulling this all over in my head tonight trying to figure out if it was simply me PMS-ing or just getting (*gasp*) OLD - and then it happened - I ran into saving grace in the form of older teens working my local Giant Eagle.

I try to help people as much as I can - therefore when the time comes for the 'Harvest for Hunger' program, and those little slips appear at my grocer's check out line, I always try to give money to the cause. There are local men, women and children going hungry every day....I am lucky enough to have enough.

As I gave the young man at the cash stand my little slip of paper he thanked me profusely. I told him there was no need to thank me - he told me no, that people acted in a really negative (translation: bitchy) manner when he asked them if they wanted to contribute. I told him I felt those people should have to go hungry so they can see what it's like to not have food in their bellies. He agreed - I went onto say that charity begins at home, and that we as Americans, seem to be happy enough to cause wars in other countries and spend a fortune doing so, yet we can't seem to feed our poor or help the homeless situation....

I asked him if he was old enough to vote - he said yes. I asked him if he was voting tomorrow - he lit up and assured me he was indeed voting - which then prompted the young man cashiering next to him to ask who he was voting for...pretty soon all of the cashiers were talking about voting. I thanked the young man for talking with me and told him how happy I was to hear about him voting.

Hope - a sense of hope came over me - I know that blanket statements don't apply to all people - I know that I there are kids out there who DO make a difference, who DO seem to care - but more and more what I witness first hand in public is what Mr. Doherty describes - so speaking with this young man was like a ray of sunshine on an otherwise bleak landscape.

Go out and vote tomorrow no matter how old you are (well obviously you need to be of legal age to vote) - make your voice count. And, the next time your kids start whining about all the stuff they don't have that they want (or think they NEED) - go take them to a soup kitchen or someplace where they can see just how bad life can be and have them pitch in and help those less fortunate than themselves...

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An Irish evening and a wonderful/glorious weekend...

This weekend was very special. My life is very full and I am so grateful.

On Friday, Erin and I took the kids for a fish fry at the church. You might not think this is all that ‘special’ however, this was the second year in a row Erin and I attended this function and it was made complete by going as a family. The feelings that this brings up in Erin and by extension within me proves yet again that we were meant to ‘be’ together.

On Saturday morning, I got to talk to my daughter and we laughed and chatted I miss her so very much – I look forward to seeing as soon as I can. Saturday evening, Erin took me to see the Chieftains as a birthday present. A great time was had by all. The Chieftains were short 2 of their long-time members, however they were still in fine form and introduced some really wonderful new acts (as they do always). The preliminary write up of the show can be found HERE

At any rate, afterwards we decided to pick up the kids from the sitter (a very kind woman Erin knows through PSR who agreed last minute to watch the children for us) – and take them for a late-night treat to a coffee shop. Unfortunately, both the kids were tired and did not enjoy the stop – we will attempt another time when they are more awake (I think it’s wonderful that Erin wants to do this sort of thing with his kids – my parents would have never taken us out late at night.) After we got home, Erin and I watched ‘Frieda’ – the wonderful, sexy story of surreal painter/artiste/free-thinker Frieda Khalo.

Sunday, the guys, (Erin, his son, and the best man), all went to get fitted for their tuxes while Erin’s daughter and I went to look for a junior bridesmaid dress for her. I really had a lot of fun taking K~ to look for a dress. She picked out a beautiful dress the shade of cornflowers and it really brought out the blue in her eyes. I can’t wait until she gets to go to dances and proms. Afterwards, we stopped for milkshakes and French fries.

Later at home, I made lasagna and we all sat down to dinner. More and more I am feeling like a family – bonding with Erin and the kids. I being to think back on my own childhood and special memories I have surrounding my own family. Lately, and probably due to seeing the Chieftains again, tenderness rises up in me about my father, all things Celtic (but it’s that time of year again near my birthday and St. Pat’s when I feel this way, regardless), and what it meant to grow up in a family that was cash poor yet seemed rich in love.

I know I was not always as loving and patient with my own children (as I wanted to be – or needed to be for their sakes), and for that I have a lot of sorrow and remorse. I am hoping that as they age I can create a better relationship with them and my grandchildren. God/dess willing I will be a good step-parent to Erin’s children.

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Nepal's controversial "living goddess" retires

Nepal's controversial "living goddess" retires


Wonder what kind of pension plan a Goddess gets.....
