Wednesday, January 26, 2011

20 questions that could change your life -

20 questions that could change your life -

Interesting and thought provoking....

The Penguin song

'Cause it's a 'Penguin Thang' *)>

I love Erin.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

...and on a more spiritual note.....

The American Family: Oh, The State We're In : NPR

World Have Your Say: Do social networks make us 'less human'?

BBC - World Service - World Have Your Say: Do social networks make us 'less human'?

In light of the Pope's recent warning in regard to Facebook and Twitter as well as this story, (which is truly heartbreaking)

I am asking again - what are we losing here - in terms of being technologically 'addicted'. What are we gaining? Just 'acquaintances' who would joke about us committing suicide on our FB page?

I am lucky, I suppose in that I don't have a husband texting others all the time and that our dinner is about us sitting at the table (for now - and if I have anything to say about it, it's going to stay that way)...yet, I truly feel for other families as well as people in general and their need to stay 'connected' electronically while simultaneously losing 'real' connections in their lives.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011


BOYCOTT AMERICAN WOMEN here's an asshole for you...

Ok buddy - you go right ahead and boycott us and make sure you marry some woman that will worship the ground you walk on, and walk five paces behind you.

Good luck with that

Reflections - About Mom

It has been 35 years since my mother passed away. As I wrote about her  (in the link I've provided above), she died in front of me. There was nothing I could do to save her. I was 15 years old.

I said some pretty profound things in that post. I am not sure if I honored her memory or was just trying to 'work some things out'.

I miss her. I miss her more than there are words to explain away the pain that lingers. A wound that seems open afresh every time another anniversary of her birthday, her wedding day, her death, or some huge thing happens in my life that makes me either think of her or wish she was here to hold me.

I do wonder if my life would have been different, and I believe in my heart that it would have been, had she lived. I think my entire family's life would have been different. As they say, there is no use crying over spilled milk, or blood, or the prana (life force/energy) that courses through us.

Despite the passing of years, I still remember her. There is still a connection somewhere and even though it's been clouded over with time's passage, my yearning, my loss still has a life. If I could see her now, what would I do? What would I say?

I guess after we got past the initial stuff, I'd probably listen to her better. I made some pretty awful decisions that still impact me today - so I'd swallow my pride, my sense of 'righteousness' and I'd shut up and listen. Although at times, I am not sure she'd even want to talk to me.

I always wanted to be a 'better mom' - I always swore up and down I'd never do the things she did and yet....maybe I should have.

Do we try to fall far from the tree that is our parents legacy to us and to future generations? What are we proving? That we somehow know better? I can tell you that I long for her to guide me, even though I am 50 years old now. I can tell you that I fear my own passing, like a clock ticking away that I can't stop, and leaving things behind, and undone.

I want to honor my mother's memory by being a good person, a good wife, a good mother. I don't always know if I am succeeding at any of that. And I wonder if she struggled with the same things....or if she was somehow more self-assured.

My mother was selfless, she was good, she was kind, she was loving. She was also exasperated, tired, and overworked/overwhelmed. I hope that she enjoyed her time on this earth. I'd like to think that the fact that she married and had kids so late in life afforded her some 'fun'. Ultimately, I am glad she was my mom and I guess too, I am glad that I miss her because I think there are too many people out there who take their parents for granted.

Thank you mom, for all the gifts you've bestowed upon me, even the ones I didn't particularly want. I hope that someday, I will get to see you again and make up for all the time we've lost.  I do not wish to live in regret of the shadow of your loss, I just want to honor you the way I should have when you were here.  I love you.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Martin Luther King "I have a dream"

Thank you Dr. King for your bravery and truth.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Git Along, Little Dogies: Bob Mondello Rustles You Up A Western Starter Kit : Monkey See : NPR

Watch President Obama's Full Speech at Tucson Memorial

This was a very eloquent and moving speech. I hope we take Mr. Obama's admonition to listen to one another and stop pointing fingers at each other to heart.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Reckless - Again? Really?

Reckless - Again? Really?

I have resisted commenting on the tragedy in Arizona, with the exception of making some comments on FB (unpopular I am sure), about the tragedy incurred by the family of the shooter (and yes, Virginia I DO feel sorry for the mentally ill young man as well)....

But perhaps even more I've refrained due to better and more eloquent speakers like Mr. Cunix (again hitting the nail on the head).

God/dess bless this country. We need to stop hating one another and work together...isn't there enough hate in the world without us attacking each other?

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Are women leaving men behind? -

Are women leaving men behind? -

I want to add a quote from the article posted so that I don't upset the men in my life that I dearly love.

"Let me say this again: This is not feminist gloating. It's not any kind of value judgment. It just is. Women are in so many ways filling the roles that men traditionally filled."

So...the times they are a changin' - and perhaps it will end up being something better for all genders involved.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Falling Birds, Killer Wasps, Killer Wi-Fi And Other Perennials : Krulwich Wonders… : NPR

Remembering Peter Yates' Marvelous Coming-Of-Age Bike Film, 'Breaking Away' : Monkey See : NPR

Remembering Peter Yates' Marvelous Coming-Of-Age Bike Film, 'Breaking Away' : Monkey See : NPR

This movie was one of my favs as well. I loved biking and I had dear friends who were into racing bikes. I had a great deal of admiration for them and I still really admire people who race bikes. I also still love riding a bike, the feeling of freedom is unparalleled when you are cruising down a hill, the wind in your face and pushing past the speed limit.

If you get a chance, watch this move you will enjoy it, I promise.

Rest in peace Mr. Yates.

Ciao bella.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Channeling Julia Child via Tyler Florence

Tonight for dinner I prepared Coq Au Vin (a la Tyler Florence)....

Turned out pretty well (at least I think so).

Next up....Boeuf Bourguignon...mainly cause I still have red burgundy wine to use.

(Listening to The Wailin' Jennys too - nice way to spend an evening).

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Saturday, January 08, 2011

Karen Abbott on Gypsy Rose Lee: A Thorny Story Laid Bare : NPR

Karen Abbott on Gypsy Rose Lee: A Thorny Story Laid Bare : NPR

Interesting and revealing (pun intended)

Movie poster photoshop of the day: Cloudy with a Chance of Dead Birds

Movie poster photoshop of the day: Cloudy with a Chance of Dead Birds

Hysterical....thanks to Ahab Pope for sharing on FB.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Techno Geek...

...I am not.

But you are now reading this post from the new blog address....isn't technology wonderful?

Things in life have been a mixed bag lately. I have lots of stuff I want to do but at times I feel frozen. Family issues conspire to drain me of all energy and willingness to do anything.

I have learned that you can not make other people do anything...all you can do is change the way you react (or refuse to react) to what they are doing. Unfortunately, that does not make it any better when I witness the suffering of those I love. I want to help, I just don't know how. By simply watching 'helplessly' I feel so inadequate, so 'not doing the right thing'...even though *I* don't know what the right thing is.

And through all of this chaos and commotion is a rock I cling to. His name is Erin. He keeps throwing me a life preserver and I can not thank him enough. I have my faith too - but it is often the last thing I turn to - and I worry that I am going to overload my husband with my worries. That is not what I want to do...he has his own burdens. Yes. We are a team. I hope that I am as supportive and helpful to him as he is to me.

I also want to thank my friends and family (and you know who you are)for your love and support too. You help me in ways that you can not even imagine and you all mean the world to me.


In other news...

I will start a 'temp' position on Wednesday. It is only suppose to last for 1-2 months. Since it is located in 'the hood' that is fine with me and, since I am actively pursuing other opportunities (one of which is looking very promising), I will not feel all that guilty if I end up taking another position (even if it pays less)....

My husband and I are working on a book is about faith, and stained glass, and churches and it is going to be beautiful.

The new kittens are hysterical and frustrating at the same time...they do cute things which make up for all the destruction they cause at times.

Anyhow...I am hoping to write more as the new year progresses...with luck, the muse will be kind to me.

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Post #2668

Colette's Grave is moving to a new location.

Thanks to my beloved husband, I now have a domain to call home.

That new address is:

I am excited about this and since the re-direct will take you there, you should still be able to enjoy my zany rants, and my way-too-serious-for-prime-time blog.

Maybe I will change the look of the blog...but I am still mulling that over. I am due for changes, however, as the saying goes, the more things change, the more they stay the same. I have been blogging now for 7 years...I hope to keep blogging, writing, spilling my guts all over the blank page for people to read (and perhaps tell fortunes by) ;)

Come visit me at my new home on the internet soon.

Merci bien mes amis. A bientot cheri.

Love and Peace to you all.


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2 million fish found dead in Maryland -

2 million fish found dead in Maryland -

Is is me or (God help me for saying it this way) - is something 'fishy' going on here? Doesn't it seem odd to all of you that all of these fish and birds are dying and the ONLY explanation by the people in the local governments is that it's all natural causes??? Really????

I am not readily buying that explanation....

Better than Botox: 7 reasons to have sex tonight – The Chart - Blogs

Thursday, January 06, 2011


Parts of my life feel like I am being forced to watch a horror movie/or an accident and there is nothing I can do about it....I can't look away...I can't help....

There are people I love involved and it's heartbreaking at times. I know I am suppose to detach somehow...but I don't seem to have an 'off' button in my heart.

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Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Cavs to give internet-famous 'Golden Voice' a job, house

Cavs to give internet-famous 'Golden Voice' a job, house - Ball Don't Lie - NBA - Yahoo! Sports

You know....things like this help to restore my faith in mankind...

NSFW: Behind Rise Of Xtranormal, A Hilarious DIY Deadpan : NPR

Behind Rise Of Xtranormal, A Hilarious DIY Deadpan : NPR


OH.MY.GOD. This is really hysterical....

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Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Raggedy Ann vs. Brother Justin

Coincidence....I think not


Monday, January 03, 2011

Sustainable Love - Tara Parker-Pope on Happy Marriages -

superuseless superpowers

superuseless superpowers



Sharing this via the 'Awesome Button' from 'Hyperbole And A Half' blogspot (which, thanks to C2 ended the year for me on a hysterically funny note) - in fact I think Hyperbole And A Half is quite possibly the best blog I have ever read.

Carry on...just don't bring your coffee through your nose laughing at things...


Auld Lang Syne

Happy New Year everyone.

I hope your holidays were pleasant.

Mine were just that. There were things that could have been better...of course they could have always been worse too. Frankly, with the exception of having Erin home daily, I am just glad it's all over.

As I look back on year 2010 with 'retrospective eyes', it's colored with disappointment and worries. I kept thinking well maybe it's just me, but then I know a lot of people had a shitty year. Towards the end I decided to ramp up working out and eating better - this all helped....but I have to say that ultimately what has gotten me through has been the love of a good man, friends who care and the addition of our new kittens. (As I (try to) type this 'snuggle beast' (a.k.a. Ralphie) is trying to shove his entire face up my nose and is being non-stop, aggressively affectionate.)

I have to admit that it's been nice being home, hanging out, discovering new movies, music, books, interviewing in my pajamas, watching my step-kids mature....

But as far as other things: A job, MY kids and their 'issues', finances, health etc.....somethings gotta give here...soon. Seriously.

So my hope is for a better year this year for me, for all those I love, for the world.

Oh and to those of your who are 'following' here...there may be a new web address soon...stay tuned.

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