Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"The pain's gonna make everything alright...."

How does one do it? How do you go through a crisis and stay focused? How do you manage to pretend it’s all ok – or even better – it’s all going to be OK?

I don’t know.

I know I am struggling. I know at least once a day I have tears in my eyes that I can’t write off as merely ‘allergies’….I know that sleep has become an elusive butterfly of a need and I can’t seem to catch it….I know the depths of despair and the glimmer of hope and I am caught right dead in the middle…

I know I am grateful for my family – my siblings and my daughter especially, for Mr. C~ (even if he is on the other side of the world right now), for my husband, for the people at the recovery center who will help me to cope and give me that shred of hope.

I am upset for my ex husband and wish I could mend what I think is his broken heart. I wish I could say the words he needs to hear to lessen his pain, I wish I could make his heart/mind soften a bit and learn the art of forgiveness and acceptance.

I understand all too well the ‘not being able to trust’ mode that my ex and I now find ourselves in – and the scenery here is WAY to fucking familiar for my taste. But what else can we do? Even if it all goes to shit tomorrow – isn’t that how it’s meant to be? Does the universe ever totally comply with our desires?

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Monday, September 21, 2009

"Losing My Religion..."

Just pondering...(mainly because I need to keep my mind occupied)....


What do you think hurts more for our loved ones? The stuff we did while they were on earth in their human form - OR - the stuff they know and see now that they are 'hevenly/otherwordly' beings?


If you are a Buddhist/Vegetarian due to your religious convictions and you feed your cat/dog meat does that mean you are in trouble karmically?


Yep...just wondering....

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Saturday, September 19, 2009

For My Son

21 years ago today, in Houston, TX at 6:47PM, my son entered this world.

Since that day, we've been through ups and downs, triumphs and disappointments, the 'stuff' of life. I can say that I've loved him every single minute of his life. I still do.

In the last couple of days, a situation has surfaced and I have never in my entire life been so scared for him as I am right now. I am desperately clinging to the hope that he will be OK and I am asking all of you, in the entire universe to say a prayer for my son.


God/dess help him, bless him and keep him - he needs as much love and support right now as he can.

I am going to re-run what I wrote on his 18th birthday and I am going to hope and pray he gets through what he faces right now.


For Tony....

Happy Birthday to my son.

On this day, 18 years ago he came into this world, amidst bright lights and noise, people rushing about; a screaming passage through my womb as his 8 lb body and those shoulders passed...

He was hard to conceive. We tried for 2 years unsuccessfully until finally a doctor suggested the basal body temperature method and wham – it seemed to work like lightening. I know the exact day he was conceived. December 12, 1987.

I went through the pregnancy with a doctor I loved at first. A mid-wife from India whom I have to thank for bringing me to the physical practice of Hatha Yoga. Unfortunately, I developed problems during pregnancy so I then moved to another ‘real’ doctor. I was about 4 months along with Tony and they performed an AFP (amnio fetal protein) test on me – this doctor was convinced that because of the results of the test (the measure of the enzyme was too low) that Tony had Down’s Syndrome. She basically told me that my husband and I would have 1 week to decide whether we wanted to keep the baby or terminate (I have never in all my days had a doctor suggest an abortion to me – heck I can remember trying to get that info and being made to feel like a criminal – that’s for a later rant). I was in shock, paralyzed. I KNEW this woman was full of shit. She wanted me to do an amniocentesis procedure – I refused – so she had no choice but to do an ultrasound. That was when we found out not only was she wrong but that our baby was going to be a boy, (a fact that his father argued with the tech about endlessly while I lay on the table, my bladder ready to burst). My son was perfect. He still is...

I eventually developed gestational diabetes – I was huge and had to be put on a special diet and be very strict, lest I end up on insulin (this required yet another doctor)– I weighed close to 200 lbs with my son by my 8th month. The doctors were very concerned, and it was decided I should be delivered at least a week before my due date so he would not weigh 10 lbs. I made the mistake of telling the OB/GYN that my husband’s birthday was September 19th. That was the day he chose. As the day approached I tried everything within my power to go into labour. I did not want my son born on his dad’s birthday. I wanted him to have his own birthday.

No such luck.

We went to the hospital at 6AM the morning of September 19, 1988. They made us sit for hours. Finally, my husband went to hunt someone down. I had been up all night fretting over my labour (with my daughter labour took 48 hours), I was not looking forward to this at all. My husband had wanted to video tape the birth – I wanted to slap him – I told him no.

We were finally put in a birthing room. My husband immediately turned on the TV and of course the Olympics were on (LOL), he began making ‘small talk’ I basically told him to saw it off – this will become important later…

Because of blood pressure concerns, I was put on an auto-cuff device that would test my B/P every couple of minutes. The nurse was sent in to do a petosin drip on me. I told her she needed to be careful because I was ‘hard to hit’ she kind of yelled at me and told me she had been doing this for 30 years. Well she went to hit me in the arm the cuff was squeezing, just as she stuck the needle in my and started ‘fishing around’ for the vein, the machine squeezed my arm and she blew out my vein (literally) my hand was in excruciating pain. The nurse started blubbering – I wanted to kill her. My husband left the room and went down the hall and came back with a surgical glove filled with ice. To this day – I will always remember that small kindness and love him for that alone. My hand was swelling up and turning purple and hurt worse than the ‘6 on the Richter scale’ contractions I was beginning to have – the ice was a God-send.

The labour went pretty well – they gave me stuff for pain (I was no hero back then) but as is always the case – it wears off and the most difficult labour was done with no pharmaceutical help whatsoever. As Tony’s shoulders passed they could hear me screaming 2 floors down (yeah a fat lot of good that Yoga shit was then LOL).

He was out. I could barely see. He was healthy from all indicators. They took him from me to clean him up and then brought back my beautiful bundle of boy/joy *smiles*...

It was then that I found out that the entire time, my wonderful husband had been audio-taping me in labour and delivery. His ‘small talk’ was to see if the tape recorder was capturing me sound, he captured me telling him he ‘would never touch me again’ this proved to be accurate...

How I found this little ditty out was because he told me he was going to call his dad to deliver the news of the first grand-child in their family. He got his dad on the phone and he said ‘Dad, I want you to hear something’. There was pause then the most unearthly scream I had ever heard came emanating from over where my husband stood on the phone...

‘No dad, that’s not Tony, THAT’S Colleen, wait here’s Tony’...

The nurse looked at me – we both looked over at my husband and the nurse said: ‘I’d divorce him over something like that...’ Yeah...later sweets..

So my son’s first cries were audio taped – I have half a mind to play it at his wedding – but I won’t and yes he has heard his own cries...(and by the way they started out sounding like the word ‘Maaaa…’ cause his dad and I talked to him constantly while he was inside of me...and his father always referred to me as ‘Ma’ in these little ‘talks’).

Last night, before I went to bed, I went downstairs cause I had heard my son come in form work. It was about 11:30 PM and as usual, he was playing the guitar he constantly walks around the house with, a permanent fixture, hanging from his neck, when he’s not doing something else.

I said; ‘Tony stand up’
He did.
‘Put down your guitar’
He did
‘I want to hug you now, before you turn 18’
We hugged. I whispered in his ear how proud I was of him and how happy I was that he was born...he asked if I could scratch his back cause it was itchy...now there’s a Kodak moment.

I plan to hug him again tonight...and every chance I get in the future as well.

So happy birthday to you son. Today you are a man. You’ve been one for a while I know but this is the official kick off to your manhood. May you be everything your heart desires to be. May no dream ever be out of your reach.

Goddess bless and keep you all your days.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

NY dad told soldier-son killed in war — he wasn't - Yahoo! News

NY dad told soldier-son killed in war — he wasn't - Yahoo! News

Good Lord!

What a bunch of idiots...friggin' military.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Cameron Todd Willingham, Texas, and the death penalty : The New Yorker

Cameron Todd Willingham, Texas, and the death penalty : The New Yorker

Go HERE as well.

It would not surprise me in the least if the 'state' of Texas executed an innocent man - but this is not a 'rant' about the ineptitude of Texas - this is more about the death penalty itself - and my opinion. Until I read 'Dead Man Walking' - I was all for public executions...but now, I just feel it is 'state-sponsored' murder....

EDIT (by Colette) In response to comment left:

My Dear Mr. Dudly Sharp -

A petition IS NOT meaningless nor false. Petitions are a means of showing just how strong people (you know, the by the people for the people thing)feel about any given political issue or in this case injustice.

I lived in Texas - I can tell you from my experience, the law does not care if it's right or wrong, if innocent people die or not. But the damning evidence in this report ought to be sending people out of their complacent beer-swilling, remote-holding-watching TV easy chairs and up in arms to their state AND OUR COUNTRY representative yelling for posthumous justice - albeit it comes very late for this poor soul.

I do not believe in the death penalty any longer. Thank you for sharing your links - but I plan on signing the petition.

Judge Antonin Scalia is getting too old and senile to obviously understand that WE HAVE as a justice system/nation put innocents to death. May Justice Scalia be able to explain when he manages to be 'judged' in front of his maker.

In the meantime what really needs to happen is that we as a people need to fight for fixing our ailing justice system - because without equal justice for all - there can be no peace.

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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Web goes nuts for 'Crasher Squirrel' - CNN.com

Web goes nuts for 'Crasher Squirrel' - CNN.com

LOL - what a cute story. You gotta love those little furry animals - even if they are rodents.

50 Most Extraordinary Churches of the World | Bored Panda

50 Most Extraordinary Churches of the World | Bored Panda

From my Love...

Something to 'shoot for' - pun very much intended.

I love you Erin!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Photographer Leibovitz could lose portfolio due to debt - CNN.com

Photographer Leibovitz could lose portfolio due to debt - CNN.com

How incredibly sad...

I have always admired her work

Saturday, September 05, 2009


"The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity"
--Harlan Ellison

(Lately, I find the stupidity thing to be way more abundant...)


Thursday, September 03, 2009

Classics, Comics In Masterful Mashups : NPR

Viral Web site mocks Wal-Mart customers - CNN.com

Wednesday, September 02, 2009


An update – wOOt go me…

So yeah – lately I have been taking stock/inventory. Trying to get my life in order (you’d think I was dying or something…but we all are…some of us just sooner than others).

I am still making adjustments to married life, to being a step-mom. It is still daunting but being with Erin is ever so worth any problems. We shall overcome (to coin a phrase).

There have been ups and downs with the people I love – I keep praying and hoping that everything will work out – this economy sucks. Cleveburg especially sucks…

Did I mention golfing??? I am indeed golfing and I love it – just love it – what fun.

I have decided to get back to working out too so I am going to start doing that as much as I can. I have worked out a little everyday this week. So far, so good. Tonight I will golf too so that to me is a sort of a work out.

On the ‘interior’ front, I have also decided I want to return to school and get a degree – what I really want to do is work part time and go to school – this is a dream, I have had it for a while – how it is going to materialize is anyone’s guess at the moment – I just would love to be able to do this in some fashion. I really need this. I really want this – but will it happen? Only God knows.

Speaking of God – been doing a lot of religious reading lately. I have become involved with ladies at my church and we are planning a retreat (which takes place every year, it’s just that this year, I am on the team). It’s been nice and discomfiting at the same time – I don’t quite fit in with these women – but they are wonderful people and I am happy that I will have the chance to work with them and get to know them better – they are an extremely devout group and I admire this quality – I know I am very spiritual – not necessarily very devout – but I am reminded of my mother as I work with these women and that is a good thing.

Married life is a blessing – Erin is my rock, he is my love, he is my warrior of hope and I simply adore him. I feel like there is so much I want to do with him – I hope and pray I get the chance to stick around long enough to explore and adventure by his side.

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