Sunday, November 28, 2004

The Interview With God

The Interview With God (Just click on the view presentation button).

Amidst all the darkness, all the sorrow that has visited me lately - I found this posted on a blog where I now have the honour of being mentioned. Brewed Fresh Daily - a blog about NE Ohio ( ). This was one of the recent posts there...

The reason why *I* decided to post this myself is because last year, right before the holiday season, when I was 'finding out' about what my husband had done to me - to us - to himself - to our marriage, a friend of mine (and a Yoga student of mine) sent me this link...I have now come full circle to that, and so I have put this up to remind myself and all of you out there - all the people I love, all the people I have problems loving, and everyone in between - that there is hope. There is always hope. There is always love and kindness deep within each of us - we just have to know where to look for it. And while I don't want to get cheesy or corny I felt that this link conveys that message beautifully. I will post more later - but I want you all to think about this message from this link.

Be thankful. As a friend of mine said to me recently; paraphrasing a 'prayer' he had heard - we should be thankful not only for what we are given, but for what has been taken from us as well. It's all an opportunity for learning, for healing, for forgiveness, and most of all for grace. May you all find the grace in your lives that will help you to live each day you have here on this earth to the fullest. You are exactly where you need to be right now.

My love to you all,

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Vandals glue store locks on 'Black Friday' - Vandals glue store locks on 'Black Friday'


I HAD to post this - mainly because I was one of those insane people that was out shopping - at 3AM!!!! no less the day after Thanksgiving - (but only because I was visiting my daughter up in Michigan and she begged me to get up AT 3 AM!!!! to go shopping with her in-laws and I (stupidly) agreed).
However, I would have loved getting there and finding out that the doors were glued shut because I could have then returned to my warm hotel room and gone back to sleep like a sane woman.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Fixing a hole....

Fix things…he says when I go in to court he wants to know if I can fix things….

Just what in the hell is it I am supposed to fix???? By ‘fix things’ what he means is that he wants me to not go through with this divorce. Yeah um ok….I file for divorce because I find out not only is he still trying to see his little 18-yr-old slut but that he is continuing to hit on other women – and now *I* am to go in front of a judge tomorrow and say ‘Gee I am sorry your honor but I have changed my mind????? Never mind, sorry for wasting the court’s time!?!?!?!?!?!?’

And then what????? Continue on like this – always wondering, never trusting him. Here’s my situation. I am living where I am living until my son is out of high school. I am doing right now what is best for my son. It is the best thing for him right now because he is now in a better school. So this is going to be my life for the next 2 years. After that I am not sure what my situation is going to be.

In all fairness my husband should just move on with his life – this is his chance to be free of me and all those things he felt were suffocating or tying him down, or getting in the way of him having a more interesting and ‘fun’ life/lifestyle. He made this decision when he decided to get off of his meds and spiral downward into his disease process which he *claims* is what caused him to chase after an 18 year old (and dozens of other women and men too). He apparently decided to be a ‘closet’ Don Juan and when I found out I am not quite sure what he expected me to do – I guess he expected I would stick by him no matter what, that I would honor the part of the marriage vows ‘in sickness and in health’ – he did not count on me to get fed up and kick his ass to the curb.

Further, and perhaps I am missing something here…the last time I checked if you really want a relationship to work out (even if you ARE separated from your wife); if you really want to put the marriage back together again – does that mean you go out and ‘date’ does that mean you continue on with your little affair??? So what kind of message does that send your wife???

I’ll tell you what kind of message it sends – it sends the message you aren’t interested. Sure it might also send the message you are lonely and you need to sow your wild oats etc. But you know what – you should have done all that BEFORE you got married. And have you never heard of such a thing as self-control, how about the word discipline? If you want something then by God you do what it takes. Period. If you want someone to take you back then you do what they need you to do. Period. You make an act of good faith. You DO NOT chase the same slut and/or other women. You do not whine or gripe about what your wife’s actions have done to inconvenience you (like an ass not realising YOU are the one who did this to the relationship). In essence you get your shit together. My husband claims he can’t afford to go see a counselor – really? But he CAN afford to buy comic books? Interesting, isn't it nice this marriage was not worth more than gaming and comic books.

He says he is not going to show up at court tomorrow – he says he can’t take off of work – so once again I am faced with HIS inability to face things. His refusal to acknowledge. If work is more important than going in front of a judge and telling that judge YOUR side of things – that *YOU* want to save this marriage – well then I guess you get what you deserve my dear. It’s not that I am trying to play the damsel in distress here and that I think it’s going to change things per se but again see above for the ‘what kind of message’ does this send and you'll get the idea.

This decision has been hard for me – I have agonized over this, cried and cried over this, lost sleep over this, lost my appetite over this, lost my sense of self over this….I have lost a lot.

I love this man – I will probably always love this man. There’s no helping that. I am not sentencing him to death – I am not even sentencing a relationship with him to death – I am doing what I feel I need to do for me. I am I some ways doing something for him too.

I am setting him free….

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Girls accused of trying to poison their school mates

You know I remember 'baking' fake things when I was a little girl - not with bleach and expired prescription drugs mind you - but with mud and grass and possibly even some nightshade for good measure.

I certainly don't remember trying to feed it to any of my classmates, even the ones I disliked - of course who would have eaten it. I am obviously appalled by this 'prank' (which in my estimation was no prank), however these girls were rather clever - and it's so much less bloody than those young men from Columbine.

I know a lot of you think that last statement is in bad taste and it is - but I think that the point here is that (at least in MY opinion) - girls can be really sneaky and underhanded. A boy will outright shoot you - but a girl will serve you arsenic-laced chocolate cake arsenic - all the while fixing you with that sweet-as-sugar smile .


Wednesday, November 17, 2004

‘Every relationship has an expiration date…’

‘Every relationship has an expiration date…’

This thought keeps going through my head right now – hell I don’t even know where I read this line - and, along with everything else, it is conspiring to make me miserable.

I have so many things I want to say and/or write and I’ve just been avoiding it all because – because why? Fear, not wanting to cry, not wanting to break down? I don’t know why….

I want – I want to say so much; I want so much, I want – and it’s become my downfall…

I want for all of this to never have happened, I want to go back and I know that’s impossible. I know too much now, right? So now I have to be killed or our love has to be killed. Because I can’t look into your eyes anymore and know if you are telling me the truth.

There’s a song as well as this phrase and it keeps playing in my head and it’s a moonlight sonata and it’s haunting me and it’s driving me mad and I want it to stop. But it’s beautiful despite the sadness and the tears are necessary; slow poison draining from me.

I want to become the first person to sign up for that experiment where they erase all the painful memories from my mind (like ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’) – I want to have a spotless mind because this hurts so much and I ache with all of this.

And I feel like I am on the threshold of something greater for me (and I feel that you are there for you as well) and I want us to make that leap and move on because there is nothing left for us anymore and we must do this – we must move on. So perhaps it’s time for this love to expire because this love is dead and we can’t keep drudging up the past and we can’t stay here anymore and there is no future for us if there is no trust.

I wish we could just say goodbye for a little while and then come back together after we have had our separateness for a bit – after you have sated your curiosity and found yourself, after I have made love to a woman or another man or taken several lovers – but we can’t do that, can we? You won’t allow it or I won’t allow it or society won’t allow it to happen. I don’t know why I feel if we allowed it to happen just for a little while that somehow, someday, we could be together and be OK. But then this is all just part of my dream or my delusion, take your pick.

And you are not strong enough for this are you? It’s OK neither am I.

Yet… part of me still wants to be your dancing girl and I still want to have you hold me and tell me all the things you used to say and I want to sleep beside you still and I want to make love by moonlight and candlelight... anything but the harsh light of the reality that makes me have to say goodbye.

Strange Horizons Fiction: Time's Swell, by Victoria Somogyi and Kathleen Chamberlain

Click on the link above - the story is haunting, well-done, provocative. I am very glad to have been 'turned onto' this site - great writing as always.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Le Divorce

I watched this movie last night. I always mean to go to bed on the weekend nights so I can 'do a lot of work' on the weekends - it never works....

This movie was not as great as I thought it COULD be - it had a nice cast of characters who seemed to be sleep-walking through their roles. I think the interesting bit to me was the way they portrayed the French and how the French handle things like affairs. Very civilised apparently. The other intriguing part were the 'laws' governing divorce in France - where it seems women are at a definite disadvantage. (note to self: DO NOT marry a French man if you ever DO get to that apartment you want in Paris.) ^_^

Once again there seemed to be a crazed husband - this one played by Matthew Modine - who did seem to convey his desperation and emotion on the screen - of course in this film, he shoots the man we want to see get shot (or at least *I* wanted to see shot) - I mean what the hell was the French husband thinking leaving his wife (played by Naomi Watts) for this ditzy (and when I say ditzy I mean that the ONLY shots that they seemed to show of this pretty "Russian" woman were of her babbling/singing incoherently to herself! - um yeah OK).

The other thing is that I believe this movie was labeled a comedy (a romantic comedy?) n'est ce pas? I did not laugh at all during this move - did not cry either - but still I was drawn in a bit - mainly because I can't believe how much of my French I remember. Secondly because I was/am/will always be fascinated with the anatomy of affairs and why we participate in them and what happens when they fizzle out. Finally because the man that Kate Hudson was having an affair with (as his mistress), was gorgeous, (for an older French man). Again, I have to say here that the French just seem so much more at ease with this crap. I don't know if that's good or bad - I wish I could live up to my nom-de-plume and feel that way myself right now.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Evolution Dispute Embarrasses Some

And just to drive the point home about the stupidity of those people (at least those self-righteous CHRISTIAN people) that voted for Geroge:

Yahoo! News - Ga. Evolution Dispute Embarrasses Some

Sour grapes

I had to post this - I found this on a blog from Aberdeen, Scotland! (

While I know this election is over - I could not help but put this out there - many of you may have heard this or seen this letter - it apparently has become a bit of a 'blog jumper' or 'blog chain letter' itself. (The credit for this letter goes to comedian Mark Fedler).

Bravo Mr. Fedler!


Kerry's Concession Letter

My fellow Americans, the people of this nation have spoken, and spoken with a clear voice. So I am here to offer my concession.I concede that I overestimated the intelligence of the American people. Though the people disagree with the President on almost every issue, you saw fit to vote for him. I never saw that coming. That's really special. And I mean "special" in the sense that we use it to describe those kids who ride the short school bus and find ways to injure themselves while eating pudding with rubber spoons. That kind of special.

I concede that I misjudged the power of hate. That's pretty powerful stuff, and I didn't see it. So let me take a moment to congratulate the President's strategists: Putting the gay marriage amendments on the ballot in various swing states like Ohio... well, that was just genius. Genius. It got people, a certain kind of people, to the polls. The unprecedented number of folks who showed up and cited "moral values" as their biggest issue, those people changed history. The folks who consider same sex marriage a more important issue than war, or terrorism, or the economy... Who'd have thought the election would belong to them? Well, Karl Rove did. Gotta give it up to him for that. [Boos.]

Now, now. Credit where it's due.I concede that I put too much faith in America's youth. With 8 out of 10 of you opposing the President, with your friends and classmates dying daily in a war you disapprove of, with your future being mortgaged to pay for rich old peoples' tax breaks, you somehow managed to sit on your asses and watch the Cartoon Network while aging homophobic hillbillies carried the day. You voted with the exact same anemic percentage that you did in 2000. You suck. Seriously, y'do.

There are some who would say that I sound bitter, that now is the time for healing, to bring the nation together. Let me tell you a little story. Last night, I watched the returns come in with family and friends. As the night progressed, people began to talk half-seriously about secession, a red state / blue state split. The reasoning was this: We in blue states produce the vast majority of the wealth in this country and pay the most taxes, and you in the red states receive the majority of the money from those taxes while complaining about 'em. We in the blue states are the only ones who've been attacked by foreign terrorists, yet you in the red states are gung ho to fight a war in our name. We in the blue states produce the entertainment that you consume so greedily each day, while you in the red states show open disdain for us and our values. Blue state civilians are the actual victims and targets of the war on terror, while red state civilians are the ones standing behind us and yelling "Oh, yeah!? Bring it on!"

More than 40% of you Bush voters still believe that Saddam Hussein had something to do with 9/11. I'm impressed by that, truly I am. Your sons and daughters who might die in this war know it's not true, the people in the urban centers where Al Qaeda wants to attack know it's not true, but those of you who are at practically no risk believe this easy lie because you can. As part of my concession speech, let me say that I really envy that luxury. I concede that.Healing? We, the people at risk from terrorists, the people who subsidize you, the people who speak in glowing and respectful terms about the heartland of America while that heartland insults and excoriates us... we wanted some healing. We spoke loud and clear. And you refused to give it to us, largely because of your high moral values.

You knew better: America doesn't need its allies, doesn't need to share the burden, doesn't need to unite the world, doesn't need to provide for its future. Hell no. Not when it's got a human shield of pointy-headed, atheistic, unconfrontational breadwinners who are willing to pay the bills and play nice in the vain hope of winning a vote that we can never have. Because we're "morally inferior," I suppose, we are supposed to respect your values while you insult ours. And the big joke here is that for 20 years, we've done just that.It's not a "ha-ha" funny joke, I realize, but it's a joke all the same.

And I make this pledge to you today: Next time, there will be no pandering. We will run with all the open and joking contempt for our opponents that the President demonstrated towards the cradle of liberty, the Ivy League intellectuals, the "media elite," and the "white-wine sippers." We will not pretend that the simple folk of America know just as much as the people who devote their lives to serving and studying the nation and the world. They don't.So that's why we're asking for your vote in 2008, America. I'm talking to you, you ignorant, slack-jawed yokels, you bible-thumping, inbred drones, you redneck, racist, chest-thumping, perennially duped grade-school grads. We know better, and I truly believe that we can help your smug, sorry asses. And may God, if he does in fact exist, bless each and every one of you.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Strange Horizons Fiction: Some Girlfriends Can, by Stephanie Burgis

It's hard to complete with you love's ex - especially when she's an honest-to-goodness Goddess! *laugh* I really enjoy this site - go check it out - they have some great writers on board.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Food for thought - pun intended

Hi everyone – I am going to open up a can of worms on this blog. Or at least *I* think it's a can of worms...

Those of you who THINK you know me – really don’t – though you may have scratched the surface, a little.

Being a Yoga teacher – every single day, I try to live my life in a manner befitting that title. I try to live with more awareness – I try to treat people with lovingkindness. From the anger you can clearly see me spewing out on this forum – it’s not only difficult – at times it is down right impossible. Anger is part of the human condition and I do not believe it is a wasted or wrong emotion. I believe it is necessary and at times useful. While some of you might think that I go overboard on here with my anger (and I do at times); it is again for me a cleansing ritual. Although, I would dare say if allowed, I would tell people to their faces what I do think. You can ask the people that DO know me about this part of my personality. I AM blunt and I can be aggressive and confrontational – but I also believe life is too short to not state your feelings and to just sit back and let injustice go on is wrong in my humble opinion as well. I am not going to let anyone bull-doze over me, my kids, my friends, etc.

As a Yoga teacher – a ‘true’ Yoga teacher I might add – not one of these people who goes on a weekend course to ‘learn’ Yoga and then thinks they can teach it to others, I am suppose to live by a ‘code’ of ethics. This code typically follows the ‘eight limbs’ of Yoga – some 5,000 years ago, Yoga was codified by Patanjali. The limbs are the various aspects of yoga culminating in (hopefully) transcendence and enlightenment or at-one-ment with God/The Cosmos/The Universal Consciousness. Part of the eight limbs sets forth a set of ‘standards’ which are broken down into ten ‘commandments’ if you will – my teachers refer to them as suggestions for living your life – not commandments. The first set are call the Yamas – they are ‘restraints’ or things you should not do and the very first on of the Yamas pretty loosely translates into ‘Thou shalt not kill’ – but it’s way more than that….please see below:

a·him·sa ( -h m sä )
(Religion, Buddhism, Hinduism)
A Buddhist and Hindu doctrine expressing belief in the sacredness of all living creatures and urging the avoidance of harm and violence

This first Yama to me is the most difficult for humans to live by – because not only does it suggest that we cause no harm to other living things but that we also cause no harm to ourselves….tricky stuff eh?

As a yoga teacher/practitioner/member of the Yoga community – I try to keep myself informed by what’s going on with Yoga. I belong to a very interesting bulletin/message board run by one of the most insightful/intelligent Yoga teachers of my time. This continuing ‘thread’ of various conversation has been going on for a very long time now – if you are a Yoga teacher, I highly recommend subscribing to this board – e-mail me off line and I will send you the info.

At any rate – there is a lot of debate amongst Yoga teachers about many things (as you can imagine). One of the most hotly debated issues is whether or not a Yoga teacher should be a vegan and by extension animal rights. So I want you to read below (that is if I have not completely lost you thus far) - I have included the most recent 'postings' from the board and it included the original article that started this current debate. Let me know what you all think about this thought-provoking argument.

For the record you should know that I am a huge animal lover, however I do believe in research and I do work for a medical institution that does work on animals – However, I DO NOT THINK we need to abuse animals in order to find cures for disease and I think some good points are made below. Also for the record, I do eat animal products – dairy, eggs, and unfortunately even sometimes fish and very little chicken – however I am trying to get back to a strictly lacto-ovum vegetarian diet.

Again I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts on this subject. (I know it’s not as compelling/steamy as my one-sided flame war about the woman who ruined my marriage – but it’s still interesting stuff). ^_^


From: Leslie Kaminoff

Below, and without any interspersed comments, I am posting the responses to Alex Epstein"s op-ed, "The Terror of Animal Rights," which is reproduced at the bottom of this post.I will have a lengthier comment in the near future, but for now, I'll simply ask a few questions of the animal rights supporters:If animals have rights, do they also have responsibilities? If they do, then how should they be punished when they commit crimes like murder (either of each other, or of humans)? If animals don't have responsibilities, but humans do, what happens to a man's right to defend himself against an animal that he's not allowed to kill?Are animal rights supporters in favor of abortion rights? If the answer is yes, then what sort of rationalization grants rights to animals, but denies them to human fetuses? If the answer is no, then how do you propose to reduce the out-of-control human population?If a PETA employee has insulin dependent diabetes, should she be allowed to take insulin (which is derived from and tested on animals)? If yes, how do you justify the suffering of a few animals even if the PETA employee can work to save thousands? If no, then shouldn't the PETA diabetic just allow herself to die in order to save the insulin-producing animals?Food for thought.If, after chewing on these questions, you come up with any interesting answers, feel free to send them in.Leslie

From: PETA
For Message Board:
Mr. Epstein's column is mean-spirited and ill-informed. It is not and has never been the goal of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals to "subjugate man" in any way or to commit violent acts. On the contrary, PETA is a legal and peaceful organization working to reduce the sum total of violence in the world and to counteract the phenomenal violence committed against animals in the food, leather and fur, entertainment, and experimentation industries. Everything PETA does, from our humane education campaigns, protests, and gimmicky street-theater-type demonstrations to our work with district attorneys and law enforcement officials to stop cruelty and bring criminals to justice, is to protest the suffering of animals and keep our society positive. Not only are we trying to stop real killings and harm, but we believe animal liberation is human liberation too. When we open our hearts and minds to compassionate behavior, we are better for it spiritually and, given the health benefits of a vegan diet, physically.For Mr. Epstein to hold up the victims of disease as his excuse for imprisoning and experimenting on animals is disingenuous and misleading. After years and years of experiments on animals, we have no cure for cancer, no cure for AIDS, no cure for Alzheimer's, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease, and little but vague noises of progress to hang our hopes on. Using animals for drug development and testing has been downright dangerous. Phenactin, E-Ferol, Oraflex, Zomax, Suprol and Selacryn are just a few of the drugs that had to be taken off the market for killing or harming thousands of people. Despite rigorous animal tests, prescription drugs kill 100,000 people every year, making this our nations' fourth biggest killer.Whatever your opinion about the use of animals in experiments, PETA urges you to learn the facts. The Animal Welfare Act is the only U.S. federal law that covers the use of animals in experiments, and it deals only with housing and maintenance standards. There are no regulations that limit what an experimenter can do to an animal, no matter how painful or redundant. Inexplicably, the Act entirely excludes rats and mice--who make up the majority of animals used for experimentation--from any protection. To make matters worse, there are fewer than 100 U.S. Department of Agriculture inspectors to oversee 1,500 research facilities, as well as nearly 2,000 animal exhibitors and more than 4,000 animal dealers. The policing of laboratories is left largely to the people who run them.In the two decades since PETA was founded, one horror story after another has emerged: laboratory technicians mocking and laughing at brain-damaged baboons whose heads they had smashed; a laboratory monkey with the word "crap" tattooed on his forehead; rats forced to inhale aerosol consumer products until they convulsed in agony; a beagle, force-fed a chemical, lying sick and alone in a cage; animals forced to live in their own filth. Just last year PETA's undercover investigation of the University of North Carolina animal laboratories revealed multiple violations of regulations, including cutting off the heads of conscious baby rats with scissors, denying veterinary care or euthanasia to wounded and sick animals, leaving hemophiliac mice with their tails cut off to bleed to death and more.Ultimately, the question we must ask is this: Is it right to imprison and harm other beings? PETA joins thousands of scientists, physicians, ethicists and everyday people who believe we need to extend compassion to all beings capable of suffering. We have tremendous faith in the ingenuity of today's most forward-thinking researchers who believe that we can--and must--cure and prevent disease in humans without harming animals. Please see for more about experimentation, and for more about what PETA does.

Kathy Guillermo
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
501 Front St.Nofolk, VA 23510


I'm not sure what kind of action you hope to stir up posting this to a yoga list(!), but I will respond to what appears to be the core of this argument line by line:On Thursday, August 26, 2004, at 12:01 PM, e-Sutra wrote:This is in exact contradiction to the requirements of human survival and progress, which demand that we kill animals when they endanger us-or isolate ourselves from them. This happened already through our massive development of the planet. Even in extreme cases, it's possible to avoid dangerous animals, as they do in game preserves in Africa today., eat them when we need food,-I have not needed to eat an animal when I needed food in nearly 30 tests on them to fight disease.-Perhaps disease would have been lessened just as well by focus on other aspects of health: prevention, mind-body connection, epidemiology, yoga. Our societal relationship with disease always seems to imply that we will somehow eradicate it. Do we really expect to become physically immortal eventually through scientific research? The testing dilemma is often posed as my life vs. a rat's life, but it's more realistically my chance at an extra few years of lower blood pressure vs. the lives of hundreds of monkeys, dogs, rats, and whatnot.The death and destruction that would result from any serious attempt to respect "animal rights" would be catastrophic--for humans--a prospect the movement's most consistent members embrace. "We need a drastic decrease in human population if we ever hope to create a just and equitable world for animals-And the problem with a decrease in human population is what????PETA suffers from frustration. It is difficult for them to rise above the din of causes when they speak for such an underdog (pun intended). I doubt they would resort to their violent measures if everyone entertained their concerns as much as, say, the concern over the price of gasoline. And before anyone says animal research is needed, it would be apropos to go see some underway. It can be bad for one's digestion...
Peter FerkoNew York City

When I first read Alex Epstein's piece, "The Terror of 'Animal Rights'," Iwas angered at his perspective and lack of compassion for animals. But whenI thought about it further, I was saddened for Epstein. I realized that hehas obviously missed out on one of life's sweetest pleasures and mostastounding insights -- to have an experience or establish a relationshipwith an animal (of a different species) and begin to comprehend the deepconnection we have to other species; to understand that the root of ourbeing is in the animal kingdom.For Epstein to condemn the animal rights movement as a whole is to condemnpeople who understand these connections and who are working to end sufferingfor all the Earth's species in peaceful, non-violent ways, in addition tothose who step outside the bounds of what is rationale and productive. Let'swork together to create a more peaceful world not only for human beings butfor all of our ancestral cousins on whom we rely for many aspects of ourhealth and well-being.
Mara Guccione


From: TA

I do not condone the tactics of PETA - but I feel thatthe conditions for animals at laboratories -especially chimps and other primates is immoral.Please read "Next of Kin" by Roger Fouts and otherbooks about when conditions are like and why they feelit's wrong before you just say that what laboratoriesdo is moral and what PETA does is immoral. What doyou know about the social and physical needs ofanimals and how they are met or not met bylaboratories? Do you believe that animals -especially primates! - have no social or physicalneeds? Look at the gorilla Koko and chimps who havebeen able to communicate with sign language at levelsthat some retarded children cannot. If 'human-ness'is connected to intelligence - than there are somechimps that are more 'human' than those of our ownspecies. Please, before you defend laboratories, lookinto the horrific conditions that many animals mustlive in first. I don't place animals above humans -and am not opposed to all animal testing... HOwever, Ido believe that it should be done as a last resort andwhen done, all efforts must be made to minimizesuffering and provide as 'normal' a life as possiblefor these animals who are, as you said, providinghumans with very important information.Here are some quotes from his book.(P. 362)The reason for demand for chimpanzees has crashed [forlaboratories] is that they turned out to be a lousymodel for AIDS research... we have learned viruallynothing about AIDS from the chimp. Every majoradvance in AIDS research - from our understanding howthe virus causes disease to the development ofcruscial new drugs to identify possible genetic facotsthat may provide resistance - has come from humanstudies....(p. 366)It is a recurring fact of human history that we drawmoral universes to include those who are like us andto exclude those who are unlike us. We grant certainrights and liberties to those inside our moral sphere,and we feel free to exploit those who stand outside.How do we determine who is an "insider" and who is an"outsider"? Historically, these distinctions havebeen based on bigotry, supersition, religiousdoctrine, cultural habit, legal precedent, orscientific 'evidence' - and sometimes all of theabove.Science has been the handmaiden to morality ever sincethe time of Aristotle. His Scala Naturae ranked Greekmales as the most perfect beings, followed byelephants, dolphins, and women - in that order. Ittook another 2,000 years to revoke a husband's rightto beat his wife. In the meantime, generations ofscientists had "proved" that women were witches,demoniacs, or histerics. Women were joined outsidethe Western moral order by blacks, Asians, andaboriginal peoples, and the inferiority of all thosegroups was 'proved' by 19th century Europeanpseudoscience of neuranatomy. Specious laboratoryfindings provided a rationale for enslaving Africans,exterminating Aborigines, and denying legal rights toAsians...(p. 367)With the rise of modern biomedical experimentation,the commerce between science and morality became atwo-way street. Science was used to justify excludingcertain groups from the moral order, and theseoutcases were then thrown back to science forexploitation in the laboratory. African Americans,European Jews, and mentally disabled children weretreated as "laboratory animals".... I have worked with children so profoundly mentallydisabled that they resemble norman children only inappearance. In some cases they are, by their ownparent's observation, less alert and responsive thanthe family pets. Yetwe have finally acknowledged thatour moral universe must include these children who sourgently need our love and our legal protection.... many people still believe that human superiorityover apes is self-evident, and they reject anythingscience says to the contrary.
From :Wendy GreenWow,

you have opened up a can of worms here. I have many comments on this postingFirst, Leslie writes:"For various reasons, PETA has been getting on my nerves lately."I am of the understanding that Yoga brings us to a state where nothing "gets on our nerves." While the passionate ones may find issues and causes, becoming activists and proselytizers, my experience is that yogis become more and more peaceful and accepting, letting karma make the calls.Second, when did "ahimsa" become an option? When Sri K. Patabhi Jois was questioned whether he agreed with modern western "yogis" eating meat, he responded "Ah, a new method....." Brilliant!Thirdly, re animal testing and finding cures for me simplistic and naive if you wish, but I believe when we practice a yogic lifestyle 24/7...these "diseases" are eliminated.. Yoga is the cure. OK, you say..."how about genetic diseases" that I answer, "Karma". There are mysterious reasons why we are dealt the cards we have, yet I believe they are all for soul growth and emancipation. Blind faith? perhaps.While I have the floor, let me share my disappointment in Yoga Journal for running advertisements for chemical hair dye, pain relievers, wine and for leather yoga bags. Once again, capitalism has ruled the day.

om shantih,
Wendy Green

from Sandra in Baltimore

okay, here goes, give me a while to compose my scattered thoughts....yes, there are extremists in the animal rights "community" who like to blowthings up. Ifthey didn't have this topic they'd pick something else. Some people just liketo blowthings up. Face it, some animal rights people aren't too bright - in someinstances, theytook cage raised minks and set them 'free" to be run over by highway traffic,eaten by wildcreatures, and basically terrified by a world they never knew existed. Thisiscompassion?On the other side, there are researchers who seem to think that animals aremeat thatmoves - they don't speak English, therefore they don't feel pain. PETA andother animalrights groups have done a great deal to publicize the inhumane treatment thatresearchanimals, farm animals, and others (dog and cock fighting still exists....)often face. Ifhumans faced such treatment it would be called torture and banned by theGenevaConventions.There is always a middle ground. Animals raised for food should be raisedhumanely, asclose to a natural environment as possible, and killed quickly and cleanly(heard ofkosher laws?). A happy animal yields a better "product" anyway, and a cleanerone.Animals used for research should also be treated with compassion. A torturedanimalcould taint the results. Companion animals should always be treated as a partof thefamily. To do otherwise risks endangering your human family members when youranimal child finally has had enough.Anyone who has welcomed such beautiful creatures into their lives cannot saythat theydo not have feelings and emotions (I can't vouch for creepy crawlys, but Idon't likesquishing them either). I have two cats and their personalities are asdifferent as nightand day. If my boyfriend ever gave me an ultimatim "me or them", well theywere herefirst - goodbye.

I am sure that they love me every bit as much as I lovethem.

namaste, hon


The Terror of "Animal Rights"
Wednesday February 4, 2004
By: Alex Epstein

The goal of the animal-rights movement is to sacrifice and subjugate man to animals.The "animal rights" movement is celebrating its latest victory: an earlier, more painful death for future victims of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's disease.Thanks to intimidation by animal rights terrorists, Cambridge University has dropped plans to build a laboratory that would have conducted cutting-edge brain research on primates. According to The Times of London, animal-rights groups "had threatened to target the centre with violent protests ... and Cambridge decided that it could not afford the costs or danger to staff that this would involve."The university had good reason to be afraid. At a nearby animal-testing company, Huntingdon Life Sciences, "protestors" have for several years attempted to shut down the company by threatening employees and associates, damaging their homes, firebombing their cars, even beating them severely.Many commentators and medical professionals in Britain have condemned the animal-rights terrorists and their violent tactics. Unfortunately, most have cast the terrorists as "extremists" who take "too far" the allegedly benevolent cause of animal rights. This is a deadly mistake. The terrorists' inhuman tactics are an embodiment of the movement's inhuman cause.While most animal-rights activists do not inflict beatings on animal testers, they do share the terrorists' goal of ending animal research--including the vital research the Cambridge lab would have conducted.There is no question that animal research is absolutely necessary for the development of life-saving drugs, medical procedures, and biotech treatments. According to Nobel Laureate Joseph Murray, M.D.: "Animal experimentation has been essential to the development of all cardiac surgery, transplantation surgery, joint replacements, and all vaccinations." Explains former American Medical Association president Daniel Johnson, M.D.: "Animal research--followed by human clinical study--is absolutely necessary to find the causes and cures for so many deadly threats, from AIDS to cancer."Millions of humans would suffer and die unnecessarily if animal testing were prohibited. Animal rights activists know this, but are unmoved. Chris DeRose, founder of the group Last Chance for Animals, writes: "If the death of one rat cured all diseases, it wouldn't make any difference to me."The goal of the animal-rights movement is not to stop sadistic animal torturers; it is to sacrifice and subjugate man to animals. This goal is inherent in the very notion of "animal rights." According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, the basic principle of "animal rights" is: "animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment"--they "deserve consideration of their own best interests regardless of whether they are useful to humans." This is in exact contradiction to the requirements of human survival and progress, which demand that we kill animals when they endanger us, eat them when we need food, run tests on them to fight disease. The death and destruction that would result from any serious attempt to respect "animal rights" would be catastrophic--for humans--a prospect the movement's most consistent members embrace. "We need a drastic decrease in human population if we ever hope to create a just and equitable world for animals," proclaims Freeman Wicklund of Compassionate Action for Animals.To ascribe rights to animals is to contradict the purpose and justification of rights--to protect the interests of humans. Rights are moral principles necessary for men to survive as human beings--to coexist peacefully, to produce and trade, to provide for their own lives, and to pursue their own happiness, all by the guidance of their rational minds. To attribute rights to nonrational, amoral creatures who can neither grasp nor live by them is to turn rights from a tool of human preservation to a tool of human extermination.It should be no surprise that many in the animal-rights movement use violence to pursue their man-destroying goals. While these terrorists should be condemned and imprisoned, that is not enough. We must wage a principled, intellectual war against the very notion of "animal rights"; we must condemn it as logically false and morally repugnant.

Alex Epstein is a writer for the Ayn Rand Institute (ARI) in Irvine, California. The Institute promotes the philosophy of Ayn Rand, author of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Deja Vu - revisted

I know, I know I am really behind the eight -ball on this one. When this movie came out - part of me wanted to go see it - mainly becuase I had heard it was hot. But part of me did not want to go see it becuase I knew I would re-live my own guilt and torment over having an affair.

But today being a Sunday and me here at home with some laundry to do - I saw that it was on and I decided since the shoe was definitely on the other foot now (so to speak) - I thought perhaps the timing was a bit better for watching this movie.

First of all I want to say that the hotness factor was there - definitely and I'd do that guy in a New York minute. I can totally understand her attraction to him - and of course I can totally understand 'reasons' for having affairs. Your wife/husband is 'boring', they are 'not there for you', the romance had 'lost it's spark' - all the myriad reasons we use to justify being 'Unfaithful'.

The part of the movie I did not get was the sudden plot twist where Richar'd Gere's character loses it and kills Olivier Matinez's OK. The whole thing was shot for me at that point. Somehow I guess I just feel it lost it's edge, it's subtleness, once that took place.
The movie was very powerful nonetheless.

I remember, when I was in the throes of my passion - my God the sex WAS that incredible. On the flip side though, I remember how horrible I felt afterwards, the guilt, the beating myself up (rightly so) - I remember my husband finding out and how much worse that made things. The pain I caused, the hurt, the anger, the betrayal. I also remember wanting desperately for my husband at the time, to forgive me - because I knew if he could forgive me we could move on - put things behind us and become better. Unfortunately, he could not - he could not find it in his heart to forgive me, so we divorced. To this day I want his forgiveness - I think he has come close at times to telling me he does forgive me - but not quite.

Now here I am in those shoes and I say I forgive my current husband but the truth is I don't - I can't. In my here and now I tell myself I DO forgive him but it's different and I can't quite call this feeling forgiveness. I'd like to say I can be the bigger person here - but it's not happening. I understand now how my ex-husband must have felt (in fact I remember distinctly calling him to apologize all over again for what I did to us when this happened to me) - I think I could hear him trying to stifle an 'I told you so' or worse gloating over the whole thing. Life is funny sometimes.

When I decided to have an affair I had at the time, warned my husband it was coming - I told him that I could no longer live the way we were living that I wanted some happiness in my life and that if he continued to ignore me and our problems that I would end up with someone else. True to my word and being the horrible person that I am - I did just that - it was a self-fulfilling prophecy and/or just my own damn SELFISHNESS at work. I also tell myself that the circumstances were different - that I was honest with my ex-husband and somehow that makes what I did more OK. I guess I also now feel I deserved that same type of treatment - yea right - in a perfect world perhaps. But this ain't no Adrian Lyne movie.

Utimately WE all have things like this happen. I was reading one of my favourite columnists on sex the other day - Mr. Dan Savage - and in his advice column he was telling a young woman the brutal truth. At some point in your life - you are going to be cheated on - it all depends on what you do with it when it happens - no sense in worrying about it beforehand. And as the incredibly sexy French lover Paul from 'Unfaithful' put it: "There is no such thing as a mistake. There are things you do, and things you don't do." Great advice Monsieur. There's no mulling it over - is there - you either do it or you don't. And you can't always UNDO it. You can almost never UNDO it....too bad we don't have a rewind so we can 'unhurt' the ones we love. Posted by Hello

Raison d'etre

For those of you just beginning to read this may not know how all of this started - you can feel free to go back to the beginning and read all the sordid details - go ahead do it now so you can come back and be caught up with the rest of us....(if you want a brief synopsis that might help you to understand this particular post you can check out my post from September 19, 2004).


I have said that I really need to 'focus' on other things. To let go of the past torment - and for the most part that still holds true and I am trying to work on that. However, sometimes - something brings me back to that place - that dark place where this all began.

As I had mentioned before, I DO read the journal of the young man who was the former boyfriend of the little bitch/slut that my husband was 'seeing'. One of the reasons I do this is because I care about this young man - there is some sort of weird bond there - perhaps we are 'compadres' who have shared time on the battle field of love and we have wounds that won't heal and so I check on him from time to time - every now and then his writing causes me to send off an e-mail because he just seems so down. And every now and then his posts are so compelling that I put them here on my blog. Well this is the case now. He has apparently decided to 'tell off' the man and woman that our dear little slut is now living with (yes you see she has moved on the wreck yet another marriage but in this case the 'wife' in that marriage (and I use this term very loosely) - does not seem to mind that her 34 year old husband is sleeping with a 19 year old (their baby-sitter apparently). In fact at one time she referred to herself as (are you ready): "the love of Erin's life's wife - my Goddess how enlightened this woman must be - either that or she's a real genuine Stepford Wife *rolls eyes*.

So at any rate, below you will find his post in which he gives them all a much deserved piece of his mind. Below that - you will find my two cents' worth because I decided to 'sign' his guest book and add my own comments...just couldn't resist.


2004-11-06::6:25 p.m.

"What is going on?

So I decided to check the guestbook on this thing that never ever gets signed, until now. I am more than a bit surprised. So allow me to ask a question (and I don't expect a response):
Why do you people read my diary? With the one exception (you know who you are) I have no idea why you would read this stuff. I mean, why would Erin give you the address to this? Does she share ABSOLUTELY everything with you, her surrogate parents? From my point of view, I would think that my writing would not really concern you at all. I have no bearing on your life except for the fact that I am someone who was once very close with Erin. So, if you are really that interested, and I know you are because Erin responds to stuff I put on here that bugs her in about two days, I would like to know why.
If you were to ask me, there is guilt because a little light somewhere in your brain is blinking, saying something is rotten somewhere. Guess what, I know what is rotten and so does everyone else. I do not have specific "moral" beliefs tied to any religion, in fact I am an amoralist, but I do have ethics - these ethics tell me that mature adults have responsibilities to society and other people to do certain things and NOT do other certain things. Right now, you are all doing something you shouldn't be doing, and you all know it. This makes you feel not so good, so you look in an apologetic way to my diary for some sort of answer to the dilemna.

If you want to analyze this, let me make it easy for you. I do not approve of the choices you all have made, but this shouldn't concern you because I don't matter to you. I don't care about you very much and I spend zero time wondering what you are doing with your lives...they're yours and I am not part of them. I care about one thing and that is Erin. It doesn't bother me that she doesn't care (or says she doesn't) because she will always be someone of whom I have fond memories and with whom I shared an emotional bond.

Honestly, I hope you have better things to do that to read this and chat about it. I have been accused of not moving on, but from my seat, hypocrisy looms large on the screen through the words of those around her. "


This is what I wrote in his guest-book:

You go my dear!

I could not have said it better myself. And I am sorry but I could not help but comment on this...

*I* read your writing because I truly care about you - I think you are exceptional. I think Erin blew it - quite frankly.

What kills me about the Erin thing (with all due respect to your feelings, because I know you care very deeply about her) - is that she had the gaul to accuse me of hunting her down, and somehow hunting you down - which any idiot reading her blog at the time, could have gleaned *that* information (how stupid is it to have a phone number listed on your blog?) as I said to my dear cheating soon-to-be-ex-husband (who actually is the main reason I was able to find out her information in the first place) - if you don't want me finding out what you are doing behind my back, don't put it out on the Internet - what a bunch of idiots (again I am sorry - but it so sophomoric - so high-school)- and to further be accused of pretending to be my husband's wife, and to further call ME the drama queen??? Gee Erin isnt' that the pot callling the kettle black? And on top of it all - for being expected to NOT REACT to all of this - right - you fuck around with *MY* husband and I should stand by like your new lover's 'wife' and do nothing??? (too bad I have a spine eh?) - and how about that new lover of yours- what a man - are you starting a harem my dear? (Way to teach your son how to treat women!)- Hugh Heffner would be so very proud of you - this is all so rich - anymore it's just hysterically funny... oh well I guess in their eyes - (Erin's as well as her 'surrogate parents') we are all stupid bystanders relegated to the boring nothingness of our dull lives because we are not into unhealthy threesomes and lying to ourselves and all of those around us....

Having a moral code or even better yet ethics does not necessarily stem from being religious or even spiritual - how about the phrase 'do no harm'? Does that mean anything to you people? Not to judge but what goes around does come around and it will - you can bank on it. But then you might all be so ignorant as to not notice when your pitiful lives are crumbling around you - hey here's a clue folks, the 60's is over and free love is so very 8 days ago - but whatever. I guess so long as you are all using some form of protection whatever the hell you want to do is OK. Isn't it?


Nice to get that off our collective chests I suppose....

Friday, November 05, 2004

The views of this writer are not necessarily those of her fellow countrymen/women

I don’t even know where or how to begin this post. I have a running thread at times where I claim I am ashamed to be an American – but it’s more than that. There are some of you out there – rabid patriots – who adhere to the notion ‘My country, right or wrong’ – well I said it to my dad (during Vietnam) and I’ll say it to you with just as much vehemence – bullshit! Gee what a stupid, blind, ignorant sentiment. So what does that mean? If I disagree with ‘Uncle Sam’ I should be branded unpatriotic – well you know what – so be it. I do love this country and I am not about to stop yearning for change and doing what I can to affect a change – but one grows weary. The bottom line – the Democrats blew it – they failed – they should be ashamed of themselves. I for one am shell-shocked.

Something is gathering – it’s like the calm before the storm…and I am frightened of that coming storm. I don’t want to see this country torn apart by differing moral agendas. And by mentioning that I want to say something here; I have heard a lot of people, friends, co-workers, say that John Kerry did not have morals, or he was too liberal, or that people in general were voting their moral beliefs. Well folks again I feel this is a bunch of crap (not that I disagree with those reasons) – it’s crap because I simply don’t need to have the religious right telling me what to think, what to feel, who I can hang out with, or befriend. I don’t thinks morals can be legislated and they shouldn’t be either. Why are we so homophobic in this country? Gee you would think the government would want Gay people on their side. I mean by saying that a marriage should ONLY be between a man and a woman – isn’t that a religious question/dilemma/issue????? Gee and all this time I thought there was suppose to be a separation of church and state – but that line just keeps getting more and more blurred.

Yes I believe in God – and perhaps that makes me crazy and as some atheists would view it superstitious – and perhaps they are right – they are certainly ENTITLED to THEIR feelings/opinions. But I would never in a million years try to force my views about MY OWN spirituality/religious and/or moral convictions down anyone’s throats – and yet – that is what we have here in the United States – the moral right/conservatives telling us all what is right and what is wrong. Thanks but no thanks, I can make my own decisions about my OWN BODY and about IDEALS such as the institution of marriage – and what an institution it is – if they are so concerned about marriage between men and women – why aren’t they making it harder to get divorced or oh my God is that coming too???? Do we really want this country to be in the hands of people who think that a book written thousands of years ago by some dead Jewish guys (who by the way were definitely not into women’s rights, or gay rights, or religious rights other than their own), is what we should be using to guide the governance of this country? Isn’t that kind of outdated?

Frankly, while we are at it, why don’t we take a closer look at the lives and sexual pursuits of those very same right-wing conservative hypocrites shall we? Wonder how many of them have had affairs, or download porn, or do things that some of their constituents might consider immoral? Gambling, booze, dancing, prostitution the list is endless.

Look I am not saying we don’t need to have certain values – we do – yes we should be protecting our children from sexual predators, yes we should keep women safe from rapists, yes there needs to be some values built into our constitution – but do you really want your neighbor being able to tell you what kind of sex you can practice in the privacy of your bedroom? DO YOU???? Do you really want society to turn it’s collective backs on your gay son, daughter, sister, brother, mom or dad? DO YOU??? Do you really want the government to tell you what books you can read, what movies you can watch, what music you can listen to? DO YOU???? Do you really want a president who lies about the reasons he is attacking another country to wage war on your behalf? OOOPS! Too late you already have that one. We are losing our personal freedoms folks - don’t any of you see this?

I am beginning to believe there needs to be revolution in this country. I am hoping for a peaceful revolution – but I am not sure if that’s possible anymore – if enough of the masses get upset…

I was trying to find the quote from actor Richard Burton from years back when he was asked about communism and Russia – and I believe it went something like this (and please if anyone out there can find this quote I would really like it posted properly) – I believe he said the difference between the Russian Revolution and the American Revolution is that the Russian revolution is still going on – in essence what I believe he was getting at was that the ‘Revolution’ in this country has died – has failed – revolution/EVOLUTION needs to be an ongoing thing. If we are going to continue to follow our MORAL/RELIGIOUS convictions in this country and then on top of that try to convince the rest of the world they should listen to us... well then no wonder we are viewed as backwards, unenlightened, uneducated imbeciles by the rest of the world. We are indeed all those things and then some.

How can we sit here, allow our Government to police the rest of the world, continue to ‘whip a little democracy’ on them, thinking we are helping to save them? (From what???) – well gee I guess we would be thinking we are saving them from THEIR OWN MORAL/RELIGIOUS CONVICTIONS!!!! (Because of course theirs must be wrong if ours are right, right?) How arrogant, how impossibly stupid and just how ignorant are we? How dare we is the better question. Did any of you out there who believe Mr. Bush was right in attacking Iraq go over and ask the people of that country if they wanted to die for US? For OUR views? No I didn’t think so…. (or perhaps you think those people are too uneducated and stupid to know what is good for their own families) - why don’t you though – you friggin’ idiots – why don’t you hop on the next plane to the Middle East and ask one of those grieving mothers out there how they feel about having American bombs dropped on their villages (please before you do this make sure your affairs are in order and your will is complete, because if I were that mother and you had been party to the killing of my son or daughter – let’s just say you would not need a return ticket back to America). And hey while you are over there – why not stop in France and make sure to pull the plug on Arafat – just to hasten the war that’s coming – might as well get it over with because in my view friends, if Arafat dies – all hell is going to break loose in the Middle East –they are going to put someone in his place that makes him look like a Pollyanna.

How do we clean up this mess now? The answer is we don’t. The answer is this is our legacy and it is here to stay. And there is no turning back – there is no retreat with honor from this. Not that I think it would have been any easier for John Kerry – but somehow at least I would think we could have held our heads up – or more importantly been able to face ourselves in our collective mirrors.

I don’t know what the answers are anymore. I am as I have indicated I am pretty weary. I have been trying to be an active participant in my country since I was 12 years old (when I protested Vietnam – much to the horror of my dad and mom). Now I guess what I am going to try and do is just bring things to people’s attention. I mean what else can I do – except be there for my friends, except pray that eventually enough people will get sick of this to truly do something to change the world. Peaceful warriors that’s what I think we should all be – the question becomes – where do you stand? You don’t need to answer to me – you might someday have to answer to your children though and your grandchildren. Hopefully you will be able to look them in the eye and not flinch.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Here is what the British Press thinks....
I can't say as how I disagree.
How CAN we be this stupid? Posted by Hello

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

NO PRESIDENT YET???????? WTF??????


Ok so now I am a bit frghtened by all of this. Actually I have never in all my years of voting been 'worried' about the outcome of an election - you know I figured the best man will win and all that crap - not that any of them are 'the best men' by any stretch of the imagination. I, for the most part, think they are all evil, lying, corrupt individuals. But I have never been worried or frightened before. NOW I am scared. I am just praying that we will all know soon and that it will be the right man for the job - doubtful - but then there is always 2008. Perhaps it's time to just move to another country?

"One Day Left" by Michael Moore

As I was driving home last night after teaching a Yoga class to *one* person - I was listening to CWRU's radio station and there is a show about speaking up and speaking out for women's rights (it's a pro-choice program - but they really cover a lot of different topics and talk about injustice in other areas as well).

One of the DJs on the show decided to read a letter Michael Moore had posted on his web-site (see link above) was so eloquent I had tears in my eyes.

I know this election is over but his message is timeless.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

A lesson in freedom of expression and true democracy

EDIT - AS OF 11/03/04: If you click on the title to this piece you can see the sticker my friend created....

I have two very dear friends. They are friends that I hung out with when I was with my husband. They are both wonderfully funny, bright people. As a couple, they are the most well matched pair I have ever met. It lifts my heart to see them together. The lady of the pair (who so happens to have the same name as moi) – is very pragmatic, intelligent, determined, blunt and could probably argue a case in court against the likes of F. Lee Bailey and win. Her male counterpart is much more laid back but extremely funny and irreverent – and also very intelligent – he is a kind and gentle soul.

I was out with this couple last night attending the big rally here in Cleveland for John Kerry. Now I want to say here that both of them are Bush supporters. But I love them regardless. It’s nice to be out with friends. At any rate HE (which are the first two initials in the name of my male friend) – had recently sent our group out a graphic he had put together with a cartoonish picture of John Kerry looking very menacing (almost monster-like) and the word art he placed as a ‘halo’ around the picture read “John Kerry Eats Babies”. Now as I have indicated HE has a very irreverent sense of humour – so this was really a joke – he did not mean any harm it in and for the most part I think our circle of friends got a kick out of it – well at least I certainly did and I took no offense to this image or sentiment.

So at any rate we all were downtown and we went to a bar where a mainly Kerry supporters were drinking before the rally. The people we met in the bar were actually friends of C2 (my female friend – also known to our group as Bad C or Evil C while I am referred to as Original C or Good C – very funny I think because on any given day I can be way more bitchy and evil than she can)….so there we are with C2’s friends and soon it becomes evident that HE and C2 are Bush supporters (I believe the one girl in the bar already knew this about C2). Of course the fact that they were both wearing a “John Kerry Eats Babies” sticker did not help…so we had some general razzing and some great political discussion and some beer and all in all it was quite fun. And as a side note I met a really cute guy. The downside of meeting the really cute guy was his reaction to finding out that HE & C2 were not voting for Kerry. C2 mentioned this to me asking why is it that when people like that find out who you are voting for they turn almost mean – I really do not have a good answer for this – and while I am passionately against the current bumbling idiot we now call president – I am certainly not going to get nasty with one of my friends for voting differently – I might try to dissuade them – as they might me as well…but surly – um no it’s not my job to be that way. But then I guess politics is a nasty business and divisive in it’s very nature.

So onto the rally. We decided the lines were too long to try to get into the encampment and we were not allowed to bring in our umbrellas, so instead we looked for a place to stand and watch from a distance. As we approached the area we were greeted by a teamster (obviously for Kerry) – as we began ‘chatting’ with him, he found out that my two friends were not Kerry supporters and when he saw HE’s “John Kerry Eats Babies” sticker I thought there was going to be blood shed. The teamster gentleman (I use the term loosely) – was sputtering, red-faced and asking how we could be attending a rally for Kerry and wearing such things. How dare we suggest John Kerry eats babies, what the hell was the matter with us – I mean this guy was having a conniption! At one point my friend C2 turned around and walked back to say something – I am not sure what it is she said but the next thing I knew this teamster jerk was ‘chaperoning’ us – it was ridiculous and stupid and frankly I was embarrassed that he was a Kerry supporter. It was the most ridiculous thing I think I had ever witnessed – this guy obviously had no sense of humour – he felt that these stickers were somehow ‘real’ and that my friends were indeed trying to propagate the idea the John Kerry eats babies….

*sigh* it was a good lesson for me in freedom of expression and the democratic process and I did at one point tell this guy that even though I was a Kerry supporter my friends had every right to their opinion and I would die defending such ideals. But of course his pea-brained-tobacco-chewing-cheap beer-swilling mind could not somehow wrap around this concept. Finally at one point one of his counterparts came up and dragged him away explaining that we were no real threat just because we had stickers. We all had a good laugh about this and even now it continues to be funny and ridicoulous - but it's also serious and drives home the point of how this country needs to learn a lot about tolerance. We all do.

So look everyone no matter who wins this election – can we please call a truce? Whether you believe that John Kerry eat babies or in my case that George W. Bush is the anti-Christ – we should all still recognize that each and everyone of us is a human being and by the ideals I always thought at least were held dear in this country, entitled to their own opinions- as long as you don't try to force your opinions on me or vice versa. We need to allow for differing view points - isn't that what makes us all unique and individual? I just want to somehow see people try to pull together and perhaps it's a pipe dream but if we begin to realise there is more that unites us than divides us perhaps there is a way to a lasting peace - not just in this nation but in the world. As the old song so sublimely asks "Why can't we be friends?"