Saturday, December 25, 2010

Charles Bukowski and the Secret to Immortal Writing | Copyblogger

Charles Bukowski and the Secret to Immortal Writing | Copyblogger

Great post and great advice, for all of us who struggle to 'craft' the perfect turn of a phrase.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hyperbole and a Half: The Year Kenny Loggins Ruined Christmas

Hyperbole and a Half: The Year Kenny Loggins Ruined Christmas


I laughed till I nearly brought a baby Jesus figurine through my nose. Seriously I am crying with laughter.

Thank you and God Bless You C2.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pascal's Wager

Pascal's Wager

Just some other interesting 'spiritual' things to think about in this season of 'religious overtones'

The bit that I found interesting was:

"The reason Pascal’s wager does not work is the same reason why you should never plan your retirement on winning the lotto." Massimo Pigliucci

A Holiday Message from Ricky Gervais: Why I'm An Atheist - Speakeasy - WSJ

Sometimes the truth hurts. NY Times: 'Vows' Weddings and Celebrations

This is a hard one. I can very easily see both sides of the coin here.

On one side you have two people who meet and go from being infatuated to falling madly in love with one another despite the fact that they each have spouses. They obviously did not set out for this to happen.

On the other side you have the wronged spouses, the children who feel betrayed and a mess that will go on long after 'vows' were exchanged.

Does that fact that these two tried to do an honorable thing despite their selfishness make up for, not really, not in my humble opinion. While I find it incredibly brave of them (getting honest and all), I think that perhaps they should have exercised better judgment in many ways, not the least of which would include 'airing' this to the NY Times. I also question the newspaper's willingness to portray this 'love story' without taking into account the other parties (as well as innocent children) involved.

Sure, maybe Ms. Riddell wanted this 'out in the open' but was that to simply assuage her own guilt-ridden conscience? One has to wonder. Like Ms. Riddle, I'd like to think that love conquers all and that there is hope that with best intentions, the kids can get over this betrayal. But speaking from my own experience (where I was not nearly as brave but most definitely as selfish), I have to say that healing is slow at best and sometimes, damn near impossible for those on the hurting end of this equation. (And no, I am not suggesting that Ms. Riddle isn't hurting). But why glorify this by running a full page write up in the NY Times?

And to answer the reader who asked:

"Is it a sign of our times that personal responsibility to one's spouse and children takes a back seat to selfish, self-centered love?" a word yes. Do you not see the divorce/affair statistics? Are you living in a cave? Selfishness seems to be the watchword of the day. Narcissism, and instant gratification all seem to run rampant. We still want to be admired, we want others to find us attractive and it often comes at the cost of our loyalty to our spouses and those vows we so solemnly took on our wedding days.

And perhaps what is making everyone squirm about this is the mirror that is being held up to our marriages and relationships. Can your intentions really pass muster? Are you absolutely/unfailingly faithful to your spouse/significant other? Would they agree if they were aware of every single instance of your interactions with people of the opposite sex, be it at the workplace, on Facebook ,or on some other social 'networking' site? In other words, would you do it in front of them...isn't that the test?

So while I wish these people the best and hope that EVERYONE involved (especially the children) heal. I still have to wonder why Ms. Riddle's and Mr. Partilla's bravery and honesty had to include the breakup of their respective marriages.

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Happy Solstice

A blessed Winter Solstice to you all.

I hope you enjoy this season of reflection and quiet and come out of it renewed.


Friday, December 17, 2010

I Hate Math! (Not After This, You Won't) : Krulwich Wonders… : NPR

I Hate Math! (Not After This, You Won't) : Krulwich Wonders… : NPR

Just for the record....

I do not 'hate' math. I feel very math impaired. I would like to 'like math'. I would like to be 'good at math' and, (according to my ex-husband whose dad was a mathematician) I AM good at math.

I guess I was just intimidated and, very much like the students referred to in this article, who are suffering through the bullshit that passes for education in this country, I was bored and could not see the point. Quite frankly, not too many of my fellow classmates could either - unless of course they were math whizzes.

I hope for the current generation and for the generations to come that subjects like math and science begin to become more interesting and that hopefully they will find a passionate teacher that creates a joyous atmosphere of learning without crushing their innate curiosity.

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Neurotheology: This Is Your Brain On Religion : NPR

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Food, Inc. | TakePart - Inspiration to Action

Food, Inc. | TakePart - Inspiration to Action

I just watched this should too.

Eat better, stay healthy, fight for change.

Fight for farmer's rights to grow unadulterated healthy foods and fight for them to be able to clean their seeds. Fight against 'big corporation food' by buying local, buying organic. Stop eating 'synthesized', toxic-ridden food. Grow your own, go to farmers' markets. Talk to your congressman and representatives and lets start changing things that matter.

I've been saying this for a while now...but there is something drastically wrong when healthier food costs more than junk. The reason is because that 'junk' is subsidized and wholesome veggies are not. Cows are not meant to eat corn or be fed their own feces, chickens should roam free and have light and air; pigs, should too. If you can not become a vegan or a vegetarian at least try to eat organic meat and milk (and yes even veggies). In the long run, your health is worth more than that $1 burger that you think is saving you money. You life is worth more than that.

You may not think you can change the world...but you meal at a time.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

'The Force' is with you, Katie -

'The Force' is with you, Katie -

My husband sent me this link.

I remember how it feels to be bullied. For being weird, different, for not fitting in. Adults get bullied too for the same reasons.

To Katie:

Remember that you are precious. You are so special that someone decided to adopt you. Hold your ground - geek girls rock. Stay true to yourself and don't believe anyone who tells you that you are less than amazing.

Discussion: The Year In Music, 2010 : NPR

Discussion: The Year In Music, 2010 : NPR

Because here on DOCG we are all about discovering new music.

Liams Odd Musings: Wicked Cool Link!

Liams Odd Musings: Wicked Cool Link!

Via Liam...

This was a lot of fun. Here's the guy I outlived:

At your exact age, Jean de la Bruyère died. He was an author of moral-satiric book of portraits and maxims "Les Caractères de Théophraste" (1688-96).

Trying to remain positive...but....

Waiting to hear on the job front is beginning to get to me. I am exhausted from this. I keep looking, going on interviews, gearing myself up, getting through the interview process (and I do well during the interview) and then....nada.

Yes, it's a 'soft' market, yes, I am competing with a lot of other people...but I am really starting to get depressed about all of this.

I am really hoping that it's just the end of the year, holiday thing and that come January things will change.


Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Imagine - John Lennon

RIP John Lennon....we miss you. We need you...still...after all these years.

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Just Breathe: Body Has A Built-In Stress Reliever : NPR

Just Breathe: Body Has A Built-In Stress Reliever : NPR

I was so happy to hear former colleagues from the Cleveland Clinic on this piece.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

New York City Ballet Workout 2 - Part 1

L'Ouch....this REALLY works. Try it...


Trying to be a ballerina...

More later kids