Saturday, September 27, 2008

In Memoriam: Paul Newman (1925 – 2008) - MSN Entertainment News

In Memoriam: Paul Newman (1925 – 2008) - MSN Entertainment News

*sniffs* *sobs*

This IS truly a loss for us here on earth and a big gain for heaven. Rest in peace Mr. Newman. May you be as big a hit up there as you were down here...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


"The truth is more important than the facts."
-- Frank Lloyd Wright


Friday, September 19, 2008

The Opposition's Response

(In the interest of fairness we here at Colette's Grave are allowing the oppositional viewpoint to be here in a thought-provoking retort is my husband's response to the MSN article 'Mid-Wife Crisis' I posted yesterday.)


Here's just one response from the man's perspective. It also happens to be mine.

Men are assholes. They're competitive, egomaniacal, shallow, etc., etc., ad nauseum - or so the theory goes. I believe stereotypes exist for a reason. People seem to remember only the negative qualities of a group of people and never everything else. So that being said, let's examine the man's perspective.

When it all begins the man goes out searching for a woman, for whatever misguided reason is jammed between the ideas that he needs to be successful and a bigger fishing boat would be nice. And so the chase begins. Making the phone call at exactly the right time, learning and remembering her favorite foods, colors, and clothiers, plus having a compelling story of who he is, where he is going, and what are his views of the world. In other words, being a well-rounded man. Seems to be that from the women's perspective most men fail miserably at this, yet somehow they manage to woe the woman into marrying him. Perhaps it's all just a show anyhow.

Unfortunately women are the ones driving the charade. They primp and preen, always smile, and go to great lengths to prove that they have power and are independent, and to top it all off they aren't a complete bimbo looking to put their legs in the air and score a Mansion and Yacht on the back end of things.

So in the land of Let's Pretend, we get married and the reality of the situation comes to bear. He fails to remember her most sacred day - her birthday, she on the other hand chooses to make his life hell for it. She gives him crap about his watching his favorite sport team(s) on TV like it's a religion with scantily clad priestesses , but then she turns around to watch her evening dramas where the wife is bonking the shirtless stud lawnkeeper and whining to get a bigger house. She'll rant and rave about his longboat sized shoes in the middle of the floor, but never once will listen that perhaps he's not fond of her having 100 bottles of "product" in the shower, let alone having every square in of medicine cabinet and under-sink space cluttered with yet more "product". He's quite content to have four or five bottles that will get him through every event conceivable from now till, and through, Armageddon.

She's busy putting out fires around the home, like three dust bunnies hiding behind the sofa, while he's off doing the completely selfish activity of "achieving greater satisfaction". Despite his fevered requests for her to leave the back of the sofa alone, "sofa's have backs?" he thinks, she'll spend three hours moving furniture while he builds a model plane, reads a sport magazine, scratches himself seven times, mows the lawn, watches all 93 games on TV, and still finds time to move his feet when the vacuum comes by.

While the rampant inequalities of work effort around the house are completely obvious to her while doing laundry and cooking dinner, he's just being a total lunkhead while leisurely hanging from the ladder precariously perched against the house to clean the gutters. Sometimes he even has the audacity to relax on the garage floor in a puddle of old motor oil due to his selfish desires to fix her car because taking it to the service station was such an inconvenience when the engine light came on while running between the salon searching for Organic Tofu Yogurt. I thought going to the salon was supposed to be satisfying?

After squeegeeing off excess motor oil, he mindlessly ambles down to the auto store and hangs out with the collective men and bitches about how his wife is nagging him to go see the latest George Balanchine production - who the hell is this guy anyway? The guys dressed in similar array all look at him like he's a stuck pig having to go to something like that. He tells his friends that he's tired of it, she hasn't exactly been what she promised, sometimes it's just not worth the effort anymore. She bitches about how he cleans the house, and "is he really going to wear that in public?". Meanwhile she's added 6 dress sizes and is quite comfortable walking around the house in a sweat suit so baggy it might as well be a burka. He'll surprise her with flowers occassionally or perhaps even jewelry, but he can't remember the last time she surprised him with tickets to the ballgame. Hell, he can't even remember the last time she came down in some skimpy lingerie, and we all know men never forget that kind of stuff.

Eventually he just gives in and says to hell with it. Not only does she not reciprocate, she holds him to a different standard, and she's quite content to blame him for all her dissatisfaction. So, "in search of greater satisfaction", she throws the husband out with the bathwater.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

(From the 'Ministry of Silly Thoughts'...)

She's late for the big meeting, because she's running in heels to small to navigate her own ambition...


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mid-Wife Crisis: I'm Dreaming of Divorce

Mid-Wife Crisis: I'm Dreaming of Divorce


I am NOT dreaming of a divorce. I just think this is a very well written and honest article....besides...she is not really suggesting people get divorced.

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Shopping, gifts from afar and those close to home

I need to update my wardrobe. I have somethings that are literally over 10 years old. Because I have a 'classic' sense of style (or at least *I* believe I do - I mean sure I have some risque things but not a lot...) luckily things last me a while...however outdated and frumpy as well as frayed isn't a 'chic' look...

Erin and I talk about everything but we both have a somewhat artistic bent and 'good eyes' when it comes to style, colour etc. So we share what we think would 'look' good on each other and ideas about clothing.

Of course I need to shed some pounds cause with all the stress I nibble and we eat WAY too much popcorn cause Erin is a popcorn gourmet....

Anyhow I thought I'd share some of the items I was looking at on line.

These are all 'party' dresses - not that I go to a lot of parties - but the holidays are around the corner...

I am most likely going to order this one - it is lovely and it is really inexpensive:

These other two are really retro and I just wanted to share - I am probably not going to purchase - but they are fun nonetheless:

Lastly - I kind of love this jacket - again not sure I'd purchase it. (Mainly I just want to go shopping with Erin):

On a sad note...last night the gold chain on the cross my love bought for me broke - so I need to find another chain for it - I always feel 'naked' when I don't wear something he purchased for me in the way of jewelery.

Today at work my co-worker - a lovely woman who hails from the Ukraine, returned from her trip to the Virgin Islands. She brought us all some precious-tropical wood beads - they are just gorgeous - like worry stones only different. She also brought me a very special gift. I had brought back some Bailey's Irish Cream from Ireland for her - so for me she bought me a bottle of red wine that is from her country - she was able to find this wine and apparently it is very difficult to find here in the states. She told me that it is only for me to drink - 'only red wine for women' - she said. We hugged. I adore this woman - she is a really interesting and lovely person and her way of explaining certain things is always delightful to me. It is so nice to be blessed with such interesting and wonderful people in my life.

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"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.".

- Edgar Allan Poe


Lion among Hurricane Ike survivors who took sanctuary in Crystal Beach church

Lion among Hurricane Ike survivors who took sanctuary in Crystal Beach church

This probably has to be one of the 'brighter' stories about this storm - as well as unusual.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Let the 'begetting' begin...

This morning, our friend (the one going through his wife pretty much abandoning him and his son and their marriage), dropped off his little guy (the same one that was sleeping on our couch Sunday), because Erin and I agreed to see him off to school this morning.

He was full of energy and curiosity at 6:45AM (I however, was not *smiles*). As I made myself some coffee and got him some 'Fruity Pebbles' (insert trademarked symbol here), we talked a bit - he asked all manner of questions (I was waiting for 'Why is the sky blue?').

Erin came down after his shower and joined us. As the little guy was going through Erin's son's Star Wars Lego book he asked if we knew Luke Skywalker. I laughed and said: 'We are intimately aware of Luke Skywalker in this house'. Erin (who is probably way more awake in the mornings than I) stopped me and grabbed me in an embrace and asked: 'Just how intimate ARE you with Luke Skywalker?' I laughed and kissed him back...

So *ahem* I don't 'know' Mr. Skywalker in that biblical sort of way - but yeah, I'd probably do him...(LOL - just kidding - Erin's way hotter.)


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Monday, September 15, 2008

Weekend update...

No. You are not watching SNL.

This was an nice weekend, despite the remnants of Ike drenching us (which we ended up going up to the lake to watch the wind whipping the water into a frenzy - that SO rocked).

I had to go into work Saturday - but when I did go, it turned out I could not get anywhere near my office because of the Breast Cancer Run/Walk. So instead I went back home and worked for 5 hours at home. Erin worked for 7. We sat near each other working, listening to music and talking here and there. Every now and then we'd take a break and have a hug or a kiss. It was wonderful. It rained all day. That was wonderful too.

As for Sunday, I will refer to my love's journal post...

Have I told you all how much I love Erin?


I too sometimes wish that we had met sooner - but the time would not have been right - I treasure what we have even if there is a wistful sort of 'what if' undercurrent there....regardless, I am blessed to be married to such a wonderful man, and to be living such a rich life.

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Why Folks Didn't Evacuate Before Hurricane Ike by Bret Anthony Johnston

(For me, this story brought back a lot of memories {I lived in Houston for over 8 years and Galveston was my playground on the Gulf} - it brought tears of nostalgia and sorrow as well - give a listen)

Why Folks Didn't Evacuate Before Hurricane Ike

by Bret Anthony Johnston

Like everyone else, I've been transfixed by images of Hurricane Ike: the flooding, the sideways rain, the wind that peels roofs from buildings like tabs from soda cans. And I've heard the stories of folks who ignored the mandatory evacuations and rode out the storm in their houses. It's dangerous, maybe downright certifiable behavior, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me homesick.

When I was growing up in South Texas, my parents threw hurricane parties whenever a storm came ashore. Everyone in the neighborhood would descend on our house, bringing beer and potato salad, fried chicken and flashlights. Someone usually baked a cake, the hurricane's name spelled out in icing. I'd play in the rain with the other kids.

My mother and her friends would deal cards at the kitchen table, do each other's hair and nails. My father always raised our garage door, so he and his buddies could sit in lawn chairs and watch the storm as if it were a disaster movie. Once, a huge fiberglass Dairy Queen sign cartwheeled through our front yard and all of the men clapped; another time, during Hurricane Allen, I think, a box turtle moseyed up our driveway and parked itself beside my father's boots.

The parties usually ended with me and the other kids watching our parents dance on the wet garage floor. By then, they were a little north of tipsy. They were drunk on beer, of course, but also on having tempted fate and having won. Even when the power went out, which it always did, my father kept a battery-operated radio on his workbench, and the dance continued with the couples holding flashlights. There are certain Willie Nelson songs that still conjure the scent of heavy rain for me, the sting and power and scouring beauty of 70-mile-an-hour winds.

Listen, I'm not discounting the misfortune and trauma that often rolls in with storms like Gustav and Ike — and the unimaginable, unforgivable tragedy that followed Hurricane Katrina is nothing less than an affront against our very humanity.

But you have to understand — it's not stupidity or insanity or even pride that keeps most people in their homes during a storm: It's hope.

You hope the life you've built can sustain what's bearing down on it; hope that if a window cracks or a leak opens up, you'll be there in time to fix it; hope that if someone calls for help, you'll be close enough to offer what they need. Mostly, though, you hope you'll get lucky, hope that when those who fled ask about the storm, you can think about raising a cold one with your friends and dancing with your wife and watching your son play in the rain. You hope you can smile and say, "Oh it wasn't that bad. It wasn't that bad at all. Nothing more than a little wind."

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Arts and Letters: Freeing the Elephants: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker

Arts and Letters: Freeing the Elephants: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker

Babar - teaching Imperialist propaganda?


The problem with being 'politically correct' about the books/cartoons of our childhood is that there's no way to be fair about being judgmental.

As the author of the article points out we may need to 'think' before we introduce stories like 'Little Black Sambo' to young readers. Yes, that may indeed be a good point, however, *I* read that story as a child and *I* never thought that black people sat around in the jungle eating pancakes. They were STORIES not FACTS. And even if there are some 'deeper meanings' hidden for adults to find while reading such stories to their young children - so friggin' what? Are we going deprive children of 'faerie tales' because they may be scary, or politically incorrect?

I wish I could share some of the stuff that I enjoyed as a child with my children and my step-children - but unless I purchase the stuff it is not readily available. I am not trying to shove propaganda down any one's throats. When did we come to this point in our society where we feel that books and ideas are so dangerous? It's like the time I was cornered after my Yoga class and asked by some fundamentalist Baptist African-American women to explain the word/concept of the word 'Namaste'. I explained that Namaste is a greeting but it's deeper meaning is that the divinity and light within me recognizes/respects/salutes that same light and divinity within you....if there had been a stake handy, I'd have been burned at it. One snorted her derision. "You think you are divine????" Trying to explain this to them did me absolutely no good - they left my class, never to return - even after a scathing letter from one of their own group calling for tolerance....

To this day part of me wanted to ask them - Is your faith that weak, that a mere word can bring it down? Well my dear then you are indeed in some deep trouble...

Are we all such imbeciles that bastions of our youth have to now be rethought/rewritten because the next generation might be offended? PUHLEASE PEOPLE. Think a little's not time to write a revisionist version of our childhood literature, cartoons or anything else...or to ban or for that matter BURN books, is it? God I sure hope not.

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Saturday, September 13, 2008


If all the girls who attended the Yale prom were laid end to end, I wouldn't be a bit surprised.

- Dorothy Parker


Friday, September 12, 2008

Listening... Beth Orton 'Devil Song' - some of my music collection has been largely in thanks to my ex...

Listening as well to the quiet in the house and the storm raging in my mind...

I have the house myself for a bit. Ponder, ponder, ponder...write smug sarcastic comments on the shape of politics and mourn my failing body.


I've been easing into this new life..trying to embrace everything at times without too much trouble - sometimes like I have just skinned my knees...

I long for all the adventure and newness of the love, while at the same time wanting to establish the familiar and have patterns and traditions that I can recognize and be comfy with...but deep down I am not that way...deep down, I crave change, excitement.

I get too fucking restless too easily and I always have and I probably always will. As patterns become familiar...I tend to want to shake things up like so many little plastic pieces in a snow globe....

I am thankful because my husband is wonderful and amazing...(case in point - today he walked in the pouring rain to surprise me by showing up on my doorstep at work - and of course wowed all the women there). I am thankful as well that the kids have 'taken to me' and seem to love me and that's great. But of course I hold my breath, not because I don't welcome the wonderful-ness of all of this but because I want to make sure I am ever cognizant and nurturing...yeah balance - a precarious thing at best.

I wonder about marriage and relationships (as ever - did that really stop for me?). What happens to us? We fall in love and there's the mad rush - the passion - the 'newness'. We court, we impress each other, we make love swinging on the chandelier....and then we 'settle down'. I am not suggesting the magic always fades or goes away...but to some extent, it evolves (or de-evolves)/morphs into something else....something we can't always wrap our minds around and even recognize.

We all know - it's work - pure and simple. We know as well that life intrudes, stressors come into play and before you know it, you are snapping at each other, going to bed in flannel PJs, and becoming couch potatoes - or worse apathetic.

What I love about what I have going on is even when those things DO happen (we don't have the flannel thing or the couch potato thing going on) - we talk, we re-connect, we try. That alone I think is going to be the saving grace of this marriage.

That is not to say I don't still long for the days of yore (or something kinky and new every once in a while)...the difference is that I know deep down this marriage is worth working at and keeping fresh.

So for those of you out there rooting for us - or love in general - thanks.

For those of you out there hoping for disintegration and failure (and you know who you are Mr. Ken Y~ (for one - and could you stay off the blog for the last time? Do you actually HAVE a life?) - kiss my fucking ass and go buy yourself a life (or something resembling one) or a prostitute whichever you can easily afford.

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...and in fairness... our favourite 'Nazi in training' Sarah Palin...we have




Hey sweetie, you wanna run with the big dogs, you gotta take the heat.

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"Skill without imagination is craftsmanship and gives us many useful objects such as wickerwork picnic baskets. Imagination without skill gives us modern art."

-- Tom Stoppard, "Artist Descending a Staircase"
British dramatist & screenwriter (1937 - )


Sarah Palin: Iraq War 'God's Will' - Political Machine

Sarah Palin: Iraq War 'God's Will' - Political Machine

Sarah Palin scares me....

Rightly so - after all, we should be afraid of anyone who so intimately KNOWS the mind of God.

Mr. McCain...I like you - truly I do. Please for the sake of this 'so-called' God (who apparently much like the old-time God we all knew and loved from the Israelites of old is now a 'war monger) - PLEASE pick another running mate.



...there's a part of me that just wants to scream...

...break out...go on an adventure without the smug aftermath of 'there's no place like home' to ruin it....

I seem to be having all these urges and it's like being all dressed up and no place to go.

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Return to Chile | PRI's The World

Return to Chile | PRI's The World

This story brought tears to my eyes...thoughts to my head...

How noble of these people to give sactuary to a total stranger. How many of us would do this?

I am just astounded at people who are so self-less....

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bush marks Sept. 11 with moment of silence - Yahoo! News

Bush marks Sept. 11 with moment of silence

Is that kinda sorta like the 'moment of silence' (and look of stupidity)he had on his face when he was told of the attacks???

(asshole - it will be so wonderful when he is finally gone).

Batman sequel to The Dark Knight: Johnny Depp to play The Riddler? - Telegraph

Batman sequel to The Dark Knight: Johnny Depp to play The Riddler? - Telegraph

You know...this is kind of scaring me in some ways....looking forward to the next Batman movie and wanting to see the new James Bond movie...I should check...maybe I am running a fever.


Memories Of Sept. 11, Preserved And Bright : NPR

Friday, September 05, 2008

Simply way too creepy for words..

..and wrong on so many levels...but I 'found this', stole it, and had to post it...



Tired - redux

...and you know, I am tired of a lot of things...

such as...being fed up, disappointed, people not coming through...not that I should count on anyone - by now you'd think I'd learn.

Tired of walking on eggshells and feeling like I have to censor myself at times for fear of causing harm...but you know we are not suppose to cause harm to each other, are we? Kind of a quandary eh? I'd like to write without worrying about firestorms...because that's what I have always fact, that is where some of my best writing and introspection has come yeah it's a fine line I walk these days...

Labels: , - Waco Day Camp - EASTLAKE, Ohio - Indie - - Waco Day Camp - EASTLAKE, Ohio - Indie -

Pure and simple - take a listen - it's my son and his friend's band - they are fucking good - REALLY fucking good, intense, cutting-edge. LISTEN - get it on a radio station near you. Help these kids to make it big - remember when you dreamed of being a rock star? Here's your chance to help a couple of really talented kids. Just do it...cause you owe it to someone.

Thursday, September 04, 2008


The weekend was wonderful. I am so very much in love. We've both been struggling lately and this weekend was much needed.

We began by going out to dinner and then a movie at one of my favourite places, The Cedar Lee

We saw Elegy with Ben Kingsley and Penelope Cruz. I am a huge fan of Sir Kingsley. The move was sublime and intimate. Well done. By all means go see this film.

The next morning we slept in a bit and then did chores - mainly cleaned house and then we spent the afternoon on a wonderful, adventurous shopping spree at an Asian store and the a Whole Foods store.

I also shared a movie with Erin this weekend which he had never seen. Tom Hanks in 'The Ladykillers' - a hysterical and utterly delightful film.

On Sunday we had friends over. Throughout the weekend we had shared intimate moments, and this time we managed to overcook the potatoes for the potato salad which was being served to our guests (ooops, I probably should not have mentioned that one *blush*) - nor the fact that we were in the kitchen whilst the potatoes were overcooking...

Monday, we were going to go see Erin's dad - so we did some canning that morning (peaches and I have never canned before), and since we had left-over syrup for the peaches, we decided to cook it longer and add spices in order to make peach-flavoured pancake syrup - unfortunately we went upstairs to take a shower together and an accident took place, we made candy instead. I think for the future safety of our food we need to not be intimate while we are cooking (*giggles*)...

SO that was my wild, wonderful, lovely weekend with my beloved. No matter how many difficulties we seem to face, no matter how much we may bicker or be stressed or out of sorts with each other, we still come back to the basic tenent that we love one another - I would not have my life or my love any other way.

Here's to more cooking accidents M'Love.

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'Peanuts' animator Bill Melendez dies -

'Peanuts' animator Bill Melendez dies -

Such a loss...(I did not know he was the voice of Snoopy as well).

I hope heaven is filled with laughter.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


...yet I feel I need to write....

So many things.

Like how I did not bring enough boxes with me to go to my old house in order to pack things up (yes dambit I still have stuff over there)....and part of the problem is I keep 'finding stuff' that just reminds me of my ex and it's hard - like an excavation of a burial ground and all I want to do is set stuff on fire....

I am not feeling well...I just want to sleep. I miss Erin and wish he were here to hold me right now...

Anyhow later on I will update/write about stuff and the wonderful weekend we just had together.



It's weird...he's gone now...I never thought I'd have such mixed feelings...

Strange what time does to wounds. Missing is too strong a word...yet there is this sense of melancholy.

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