Monday, January 30, 2006 - Museum visitor trips, breaks Chinese vases - Jan 30, 2006 - Museum visitor trips, breaks Chinese vases - Jan 30, 2006

Whoa! Starting off to be a bad new year so far....

DailyOM - Guidance For Chinese New Year

DailyOM - Guidance For Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

'If you can't fix gotta stand it...'

You know I try, and I try and I try...

I try to be compassionate - I try to understand - I try to feel for the loss he's going through - the pain...but something inside me breaks all the time and I just can't deal with it...I want to apologise but I don't owe him an apology for anything anymore...

There's so much pain and sorrow built up in my heart and I so want to clear the air between us because it's so dark and dank - but I can never do that because he absolutely refuses to tell the truth....refuses to acknowledge what really happened and he just wants to keep plunging that ostrich head of his in the sand and hiding and I can't do it anymore - it needs to breathe - it needs the light of I can crawl out from underneath the weight of it all - because in my most vulnerable moments it overtakes me and I am shaking from the burden...lost, again...

All the sadness all the fear - it clings to me and like a snake, I want to molt it off and rise away from it and become whole again - and sometimes it takes all the strength I have just to try to step away from that dead skin....

...and all the while the sentinels on the bridge watch - with their impenetrable granite countenances that show nothing, no sense of pity or compassion, just dead - dead like the weight that used to be our love...

Last but not least....

I have now added this to my film library (again another great sotry that really needed to be told and it really tugs at the heartstrings as well)...

Ah love...ain't it grand???? (the quick answer here is no - from what I can tell it makes you kind of miserable)...but dare we give it up? No, there's nothing better than to love and to be loved....other than communion with God/Goddess which is love as well (in my book)...

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At the *other* end of the spectrum we have...

PBS was showing this Saturday evening

I am almost embarrassed to admit as a little girl I adored this film (and could sing all the songs)- I was kind of a musical junkie as a kid - I knew all the songs from 'The Sound of Music', 'South Pacific', 'The King and I', 'Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang' and 'Mary Poppins' amongst others...

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...and on Friday evening

Whew! What an evening it was....

I got a chance to have a cuppa with the great Mr. Hess (it was a joy Jeff - thanks I needed that)...

The I met up with C2 at a local Thai restaurant (Lemon Grass) and I Had the best Pad Thai I have ever had in my entire life (seriously it was amazing) and now I will be addicted to it...

Then off to the cinema to see Brokeback Mountain....(that's what the 'Whew' was about)....I pray that this film wins the Oscar this year. And since I was rooting for 'Walk the Line' that's saying a lot..

Sure I could have done without Heath Ledger's mumbling at times (or they should have turned the sound up in the theatre) - but the movie is breath-taking and achingly beautiful; I cried a couple of time and I could feel for all the actors. It's not a happy film (again WTF is it with me watching sad movies????) - it's poignant and *real* (far too real) and I believe it was Mr. Lee that said 'It's a story that had to be told' - also if he managed to get this much of a film out of a short story by E. Annie Proulx then I seriously have to start reading her books like NOW.

One of the best and most telling quotes came from Heath Ledger's (Ennis del Mar) character when he says to Jake Gyllenhaal's (Jack Twist) character: 'If you can't fix it, you gotta stand it...' - he's of course referring to the rock and hard place they find themselves between as they try to somehow live their 'home' lives while still being in love with each other...

What we can't stand - we have to bear...and that my friends is life...

This movie touched my heart and my mind and my soul and it's one of the best movies I've ever seen about this type of love - the kind that crosses through you and rips your heart out at times.

Jake's character seems to be at least able to embrace his 'gay' tendencies while Heath's seemed to want to only live in the shadows of the Brokeback mountain where they'd meet up for their secret trysts - and in the end it broke his family and him deep down inside as well - it was especially hard for me to watch this story unfold because I can relate to it from both wives sides in this story - both the wife that didn't have a clue (Jack Twist's wife, Lureen - played by Anne Hathaway) and the wife that knew all along (Ennis del Mar's wife, Alma - played brilliantly by Michelle Williams).

Finally, kudos for picking Larry McMurtry to write the screenplay - giving the real 'western/cowboy' feel to the film - and the cinematography was simply gorgeous - well done - take a bow Mr. Lee.

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Can you say happy birthday too much?

In honour of Mozart's b-day my son and I watched this - I mean it's an incredible film - still one of my favourites - and of course in the end it always makes me cry - perhaps I should watch happier fare?

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Friday, January 27, 2006

Coulter Jokes About Poisoning Justice - Yahoo! News

Coulter Jokes About Poisoning Justice - Yahoo! News

OK - so she's a hot blonde chick - she's still a friggin' idiot

NPR : Comparing Two Routes to Marriage

NPR : Comparing Two Routes to Marriage

What great advice the mother-in-law gave....

World without pain is hell, parent says - World without pain is hell, parent says - Jan 27, 2006

Whoa! I can't even imagine having a kid with this type of disorder - this must be really frightening for the parents....

Judge to Rule on Merit of Christ Case

Judge to Rule on Merit of Christ Case - Yahoo! News


Gee wonder what's going to happen if the judge rules the whole thing to be a fabricated tale by the church - I am sure the Vatican is *really* worried about this... (yeah right)

NPR : Celebrating Mozart's Birthday in Salzburg

NPR : Celebrating Mozart's Birthday in Salzburg

Happy Brithday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birhtday, herr Mozart....Happy Birthday to You!

{{and of course thank you as well}}

Thursday, January 26, 2006

A mixed bag...

Today began in a relatively great way....the moon hung low in the morning sky - a bright crescent amidst the deep blue heavens and twinkling stars...bitterly cold - but spring is coming and it was gorgeous.

I get into work and of course as always it is hectic and crazy and spinning out of control and there is not much I can do about it other than tame the waters. What I do for a lving is rewarding but I have to wonder at the people who step forward ot help others especially when they either hardly know them and are thinking of giving up a major organ just because they saw some human interest news story - yet I can hear a screaming toddler in the background and I want to ask them why they feel the need to help a total stranger - and it's not because I don't want people to get organs - it's because I want the people who are willing to put themselves at risk to be very sure of their decision. I mean you would not believe some of the conversations I get to have every single day - it makes me sometimes wonder about making 'donors' take an IQ test....sorry but it's how I feel.

Then I find out about the president's 'meet the press' conference and the questions he fielded and the answers he gave and I am once again comforted by the knowledge that if George Bush were the only surviving male member of the human race and it was up to me to mate with him and save our species that I'd *still* turn to my vibrator (it being smarter than him and all)....either that or pray for sex with aliens...

One of the best parts of today though was reading about how Oprah confronted James Frey - now mind you in my book (uhm sorry), Oprah coming out and saying something is worth reading does not mean a hill of beans to me - I admire her for other reasons - however this was indeed one of those times I wanted to stand up in her audience and say 'You go Girl!' and I applaud her willingness to apologize and corner this guy on TV.

I will say though I kind of feel for this guy in some ways - I mean if the writing in the book was as good as I've heard - I can't understand for the life of me the reason to call it non-fiction - I mean why couldn't he just say it was a work of fiction - it still probably would have sold. In fact it has me a bit nervous about starting to write my own 'story' should I just call it semi-autobiographical??? So I don't incur the wrath of 'Oprah's Book Club' (just kidding obviously).


Tomorrow will be nice - dinner and a movie with C2 ('Brokeback Mountain') - I am not sure how I am going to react to this movie - more later. LIam had offered to go with me (he is such a sweetie) - but since C2 and I had not seen it yet I figured this was a better idea.

Saturday is Yoga Day USA - and of course I will be teaching a class (at my studio) and hoping for a good turn out and the news in my about Yoga is wonderful and thrilling and there is so much to be excited about with this part of my life - I don't want to jinx anything - let's just say that the universe is beginning to open up a little and I am very grateful and happy.

NPR : Solving the Mystery of Mother-Daughter Speak

NPR : Solving the Mystery of Mother-Daughter Speak

You know...

I didn't ever understand animals wanting to eat their young until I had to deal with my teenaged daughter.

The relationship was so volatile at times - it really shocked and disturbed me to no end - at times the whole thing drove me crazy (and I am sure it did the same to her). I was really hard on me (psychologically), especially since I had not had a good relationship with my mom (we fought like cats and dogs and then when I was 15 she ended up dying - talk about guilt)....and I truly wanted to do better with my *own* daughter.

So I highly recommend this book to those ladies out there who want to cultivate a better understanding of that precious and sometimes insane relationship.

Potty Elmo has 'potty' mouth

Pharyngula::Moonbat anti-evolutionist: Deepak Chopra

Pharyngula::Moonbat anti-evolutionist: Deepak Chopra

Ah....the war of words has formally begun - between those that are 'scientists' and those that have a more 'spiritual' leaning. (Although quite frankly, I doubt that Dr. Chopra is going to answer Dr. Meyers directly...) Rock on gentlemen - it all seems like just a giant 'pissing match' to me...

(Via E-Sutra)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

'There are places I remember...all my life'

In my travels – part of which I am in the process of writing about now – when I go to certain places a lot – they become part of me; part of my ‘inner’ landscape.
I will go through my tedious, day-to-day existence and I will get ‘Toronto’ feeling or a ‘Michigan’ feeling or a ‘Pittsburgh’ feeling...I can’t quite explain it. It’s a physical and mental feeling. I can actually ‘smell’ things or perhaps it’s something I smell that triggers the memory and I am transported to that particular place, suddenly. Then the day-dreaming begins and I find myself wishing I could go to that place – be in that former moment – freeze the time that was spent there and ‘physically’ revisit – not merely just a stroll down ‘memory lane’...

The Toronto ‘feel’ is one of actual ‘freedom’ there is no other way to put it – it’s European and free and easy. People seem to be friendly and happy – there’s an air of intelligence and tolerance. I adore Toronto and it’s been way too long since I’ve been there – I am due for a trip soon

The Michigan ‘feel’ is something I’ve just lately been experiencing. It’s a ‘winter’ feel it’s a ‘pioneering spirit’ kind of feeling – a ‘wagons ho westward young man’. I get the feeling I am out numbered a lot when I am up there – that when I go visit the places I visit they are bastions of right-wing-NRAers-you-can’t-take-my-gun-unless-you-pry-it-from-my-cold-dead-fingers kind of ‘feel’ – definitely a bit ‘white bread’ and wholesome (not Detroit mind you that’s a totally different feel) – it’s more a blue collar or live off the land kind of place and although I like the people there’s a little b it of fear mixed in for the lack of tolerance for things that might be alternative…I feel lost often when I am up there.

The Pittsburgh feel is home – pure and simple – it’s the mountains and woods, it’s the streams and the valleys – it’s Italian and Irish and it’s also a great city to have fun in – yes it’s a bitch to drive around in Pittsburgh but the richness of the city – the deepness of my roots is always a comfort to me when I go there – and I don’t go often enough.

The reason why I am writing this today is because of things I’ve been hearing lately about the rebuilding of New Orleans – especially from people who have either never been there or never lived there. When I hear things like ‘perhaps they should not rebuild’ I want grab those people/commentators and shake them violently and scream at them. Because unless you’ve experienced the ‘N’orleans’ (pronounced Nahlins) ‘feel’, then you need to shut up and make sure they DO rebuild this city. It is old – older to me than any other city I have ever been in – there is a definite French and Spanish influence – but there is also something that underlies everything else – the people – the resilience of the people. Whether it’s the’ black-water-jazz-mamma’s-cookin’ of the old black families, or the slightly (I don’t mean slightly I am just trying to play it down) – somewhat (and I don’t mean somewhat either) sly-with-a-tinge-of-illegal-or-at-least-you-don’t-want-to-cross-them-or-piss-them-off’ Cajuns – (and I dare say it’s even more that that) – there’s things about that city that in my mind, in my memory will always live on and the idea of there never being another New Orleans is so incredibly sad to me – it’s almost unbearable. I long to go back – I doubt I would have ever been able to live there but I can certainly appreciate how difficult it must be for those who did call it home (for generations) to be faced with the idea it might never come back. To me this would be tantamount to telling me that Ireland just sank into the ocean and that’s it – it’s down and nobody is thinking of ‘raising’ it back up...*that’s* how much N’Orleans means to me and dozens of other people who never grew up there or lived there – so just imagine how horrible it must be for those people who do call it home and how much stronger their ‘feel’ of that place is than mine – or any idiot form the US Government who can’t even figure out if they are going to pay for flood insurance. People I am not saying we should build every last square inch of the place – but we do need to build stronger levees and help New Orleans come back – the world would be a lesser place without a lot of those old neighborhoods and the wonderful people and culture that made (and still make) ‘Nahlins’ what it is and what it will always be – a rich cultural mecca.

NPR : The Lessons of the Buddha

NPR : The Lessons of the Buddha

Robert Thurman is a national treasure...


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

More recent additions to the library


ah to be able to be so 'free' of such things...

to just fade into nothingness...what bliss

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This was a nice find Posted by Picasa

Documentary Examines 'Sesame Street' - Yahoo! News

Monday, January 23, 2006

NBC canceling 'West Wing' after 7 seasons - NBC canceling 'West Wing' after 7 seasons

There are very few TV shows that I can say I enjoyed as much as this one. It was brilliant - (it made me want Martin Sheen as President...).

The loss of actor John Spencer was devastating as well - I mean you felt like you *knew* these people.

There's not a lot of great TV on - in my opinion - but this show was one of the great ones of all time.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

More dreck

Something I saw recently about a dating site that a lot of people out there 'on the hunt' as it were - swear by: E-Harmony - has really been bothering me....

It talks about 'soul-mates' - as in 'everyone is suppose to have one' and your life must not be complete if you don't...'(no kids I am not saying that E-harmony has gone and said that) - however I feel that by even using that 'turn of phrase' it puts a certain 'spin' on the world of on-line dating...

It just seems to me that if you are trying to find your supposed 'soul mate' it puts a lot more pressure on you and the other party too! It dawns on me that people really believe in this elusive ideal and that they then put all of their dating eggs in the 'soul mate' basket and then they can't figure out why it's not working. Or they use it as an excuse to dump their wife, boyfriend ("he just wasn't my soul mate")...


It's absolute rubbish! My Yoga teacher used to tell us there is no such thing as a 'soul mate' - and while I don't consider him the 'end-all/be-all/last word' on such things I do think that he hit on something really important. That we tell ourselves such things to use as excuses when our relationships fail us and we don't ever look in the mirror we just bemoan how our significant other just doesn't 'get us'...

It's all crap - it really is...

I was in the salon the other night reading one of those horrid womens magazine (you girls all know the ones: Cosmo, Glamour, Vogue) - that seem to already bear (in my estimation) a lot of the blame for continuing to propagate society's view that we all need to be younger, thinner, more beautiful...

Well there was actually an article in one of those magazines entitled: 'Is 5 years the new forever?' and it was a great piece about how a lot of people out there are convinced that marriage/relationships have become something of a 'do over' thing - something that if it doesn't work out you can always toss it aside and 'get yourself a new one' - we've become the kings and queens of the disposable life style. I applaud whomever wrote this article and had the guts to say that. I find this view to be an epidemic in this country and it's not just about our views towards marriage and relationships - it's about our views towards just about everything. The 'they'll-make-more' or 'I'll-just-replace-it-with-new' kind of mentality. The hell with 'working on things' the hell with refurbishing or recycling - tear it down and build a new one.

I was recently relaying to some of the girls at work how I was talking to my yoga students about re-using things (I often will share what I read in one of my Yoga Journals with my students as a sort of a 'thought for the day/week) - this particular 'thought' was something that I was reading about a young mother and her journey in preparing for the birth of her baby - she came across a statistic that just astounded me - it was this: 'An American family raising 2 children uses as much in resources as an Ethiopian family raising 1,000 children' (1,000 children!!!! - that's astounding) - so this person went on to say that she was going to tell everyone in their fmaly that they were not going to register for gifts - that they wanted to get hand-me-downs or they were going to go to re-sale shops vs. getting everything brand new - it was a great article from last month's Yoga International - I was floored when one of the girls I relayed this to was horrified by the idea that her kids would get a used rocker, or crib, or stroller....can someone please tell me what's so horrible about re-using our resources when we can?

No one seems to treasure things anymore (including each other)...I find this sad and appalling. But I can't say I am really all that surprised by it...

Last night I went to a really nice party for one of my friends - 'British Brian' (LOL Happy Birthday you loveable limey - we should almost add a little 'TM' sign after your name) - and I was telling myself that I am not going to do this stupid 'Internet' thing anymore that I am going to go out more and 'meet others' and find a date the 'old-fashioned' way - I didn't of course - I ended up hanging with the same old crowd I always did (but they are still glorious people) - but what I found amazing was the kind of 'feel' I got from the crowd (there had to be like over 200 people there and it was a private party - it rocked by the way)- it was like how I imagine it is in the club scene these days. Scores of young women all dressed in the latest sexy trendy clothes and scores of young men - except they weren't all that young anymore and there seemed to be I don't know this 'feeling' that people just seem lost when it comes to this mating ritual....and perhaps it's my own bleak projection - I mean people were really having (or so it seemed) a good time - but on some level I just can't help but wonder - do we really even know how to connect with one another anymore? On deeper levels? And even if we did - would we just grow tired of it after the spark had 'died down' or the chemistry had somehow shifted and just dispose of *that* person in search of that perfect 'soul mate'?

I am not surprising anyone by saying that relationships take a lot of work (at least I hope I'm not) - but I do wonder about the state of our unions when it comes to this stuff and I of course wonder about putting myself back out into the world in search of someone to be with and share my life with - I mean I don't want to become part of the problem - I want to be free of the whole pretense - I am just hoping I can find someone who is tired of it too and wants the 'real thing' complete with boredom, puffy-eyed-not-so-glamorous-looking mornings, sharing the housework and the daily problems, and all that life actually has to offer.


(*tap* *tap* *tap*)

Is this thing on??

{{{just curious}}}


Saturday, January 21, 2006



I posted this link because I am a huge fan of independent films and I think channels like Sundance and IFC are absolute necessities.

(Note - this link has Flash Media)


Party Flashers - Whats Beneath That Party Dress? the phrase 'Show us your tits' comes to mind....

I was looking at my stats and I guess someone must have somehow 'jumped' from this blog to mine cause it shows as one of my referrers. And *YES* I've got a pretty nice set myself (NOT that *ANY* of you are ever going to see them up close and personal) - but I guess I was just feeling a bit uhm er...'frisky' (not even sure that's the right word) - and I thought I'd give you all an eyeful *giggles* - OK so it's kind of crass...but hey what the hell...

(Please note this is not a site for kids)

Marketplace from American Public Media

Marketplace from American Public Media

Nee hao ma

For the past couple of week's one of my favourite 'financial' reports has been covering China. It's really been fascinating and informative.

I want to especially direct you to author James McGregor's commentary on whether or not we should 'fear' China's rise. I totally agree with what he is saying. We all could learn some valuable lessons from the way the Chinese live their lives....

Xie Xie,


Whale Stranded in River Thames Dies - Yahoo! News

Whale Stranded in River Thames Dies - Yahoo! News

See...I don't get this...

Why is it they didn't do anything sooner to help this whale knowing full well it was in such distress??????

How sad and what a shame...

Friday, January 20, 2006

'Awful Normal' - An independent Film

Awful Normal - An Independent Film

(Update: Contact Celesta Davis Personally Here)

This is about slaying Dragons...

...and yes a lot of families *are* ‘Awful Normal’...

This (above) is the title of a movie/documentary from a brave woman by the name of Celesta Davis. Last night when I was flipping through ‘crap’ on TV, I came across Prime Time Live…I don’t watch a lot of this stuff – I consider this type of TV show to use ‘hard core’ journalism as entertainment/shock factor approach/sensationalistic…I don’t like that type of ‘reporting’….but this subject and this story stopped me dead in my tracks.

Why? Because it’s *my* story as well.

Celesta Davis was molested by a very close family friend. She decided to make a film about how that impacted and formed her life. The molestation was one of her earliest memories. Can you imagine your earliest childhood memory being that of having been made to perform oral sex on a man old enough to be your father *by* a close family friend. Think about that for a moment...think about that for a very long moment. Wrap your mind around that.

It would seem this week on Colette’s Grave it’s all about making people squirm a little.

Yes it’s *MY* story too. I was molested by my uncle at the age of 5 years old. I was not made to perform oral sex on him (or at least the memories my subconscious allows me to have do not detail anything quite so heinous). I was made to sit on his lap while he fondled me and stuck his fingers up inside of me. I was 5 years old (perhaps younger when it started) – he’d tell me to hush while he did it – I did not know what he was doing or why nor did I know it was ‘wrong’...I did not say anything to anyone at the time because, (as Ms. Davis so brilliantly points out), what 5-year old has the vocabulary for that type of thing? Well at least most 5-year olds didn’t back then...I am not sure what he did continued much past a few incidents – but again there’s that pesky unconscious mind to tend with.

It came out in me in other ways. I never wanted to go to gatherings over at ‘that’ side of the families’ houses. He’d find me. I’d bite my nails to the quick. I had stomach aches. I was (for a 5 year old), a nervous wreck. I was afraid of everyone – I was painfully shy. But somehow I went on – I pushed the ‘things’ that were happening to me down inside where I could not ‘feel’ them any more – I made them go away. I was a weird child – I did not have many friends – today I reason that that was because children, like animals, can sense when another amongst them is ‘sick’ or ‘tainted’ I was teased – tortured actually by other kids. I did not make any decent friends until I was almost 12 years old.

We moved away from Pennsylvania when I was 14. My mother died when I was 15. I went on to have boyfriends and become sexually active. I was abused a lot by the guys I was with. I felt too that I *had* to be with them. I kept having bad relationships.

Time marched on – I was with Tommie, I had my daughter – that ended in disaster. Then, I got married to my son’s dad. Shortly after we got married I had a dreams/flashbacks to those ‘episodes’ with my uncle. At the time I panicked. Why was I remembering this stuff now? I wondered….what the hell was I suppose to do with this info. I was 25 years old, I was finally with a ‘decent’ guy WTF??? I told my husband that I was falling apart. I told him I felt I was ‘damaged goods’ and he was free to divorce me. He of course did no such thing but he didn’t offer any advice (not that it was his job to do so) –I felt lost. I did have one friend who was wonderful to me at that time and she turned me onto John Bradshaw. I used Mr. Bradshaw’s techniques for healing without ever doing the ‘leg-work’ – it seemed to help me hang on for a while and soon I found myself pregnant. Everything changed. I became more an island. I nurtured myself and the growing life within me I ignored everything and everyone else including my daughter and my husband. I know now that was wrong back then it seemed like I was in survival mode. We ended up moving from Houston to Cleveland because I was adamant that I wanted my kids raised near family (how ironic) and besides both of our parents were getting older and we both wanted our kids to get to know their grandparents. We moved to Cleveland, we eventually bought a house. That’s when it began happening. I began having nightmares, I began waking up screaming in the middle of the night. I knew I had to go into counseling. I wanted to kill myself and I knew what was at the root of all of was the recovered memory(ies). I told my husband I needed help and I could not let him touch me (he is Sicilian and reminded me of my uncle that did this to me) – I told him we needed help as a couple. He refused to go with me to counseling. He said in his family they did not ‘talk’ about such things (an aside: this is one of the biggest problems with society’s handling of these issues and why they still go on – I call it the ‘conspiracy of silence’ and it’s destroying families, folks, as Ms. Davis’ film shows – a lot of families simply ‘ignore’ this stuff –they hope it will go away – it doesn’t). I sought out a counselor on my own. I went in and began to talk – I knew I had to talk about this I knew I had to get help because every morning I could not get out of bed, I wanted to die, I wanted to kill myself and I knew I could not do that to my then 3-year old son – I knew I had to take care of him but I could not hardly bring myself to get out of bed to do so...I knew I had to do something or I was going to die. *THAT’S* how scared and paralyzed I was. The counselor did not help much – either she was not adept at handling cases of repressed memory or she just was a crappy therapist. She handed me tissues while I cried. I paid her $85/half-hour to do so. I became convinced I needed to confront my uncle. I told my counselor this – she counseled me against (most will by the way). She said I’d be possibly set back (yeah OK I could not understand how much worse off I could get then wanting to die inside every day) and that he’d most likely deny it (most of them do). I was insistent. I was doing this. I began talking to my family – slowly I had to know if the same thing happened to my own sister – she said no. I told my brothers. I did not tell my dad I was afraid of how he’d react – this was his sister’s husband and I am not sure he liked him much to begin with. I talked with one of my very close male friends at the time – he told me he felt I needed to do this too. I told my pseudo mom (who in my mother’s death had become one hell of a friend to me) – she was to champion my cause and she offered to go with me. I felt numb but driven – it made no sense. I called my aunt in PA I told her I was planning on coming down for a visit could I stop and see her and my uncle. She was thrilled. A couple of weekends later with this wonderful woman by my side I went to my uncle’s house (my husband had no input in this at all – in fact he’d probably would have rather I buried it and forgotten about it – I couldn’t).

My aunt let us in – seeing my friend, I could tell she was kind of confused. We all sat down. We exchanged the niceties. Then I said:

“Aunt J – I lied to you – I am not here on a ‘visit’ I am here to talk to Uncle C – and ask him about some things.”

She looked rather quizzical and said:
“What is it honey?”

I said:
“Uncle C – I’ve been remembering ‘things’ from my childhood – and I’ve remembered things you’ve done to me and I want you to explain to me why you did them.”

My aunt got a really horrified look on her face (who wouldn’t):
“What sort of ‘things’, C- ????”

“Aunt J – with all due respect I want Uncle C - to answer me”

My aunt said something to my uncle – he got a blank look on his face – my aunt then said to me:

“You are going to have to say it very loud - your uncle is going deaf”

It was perhaps a this moment I had a sense of futility and questioned what I was doing but I knew if I left without resolving this I’d not do well and to me it was a matter of *MY* life or death. So this ‘moment’ passed, quickly….

I actually shouted:

‘Uncle C – I want to know if you remember touching me when I was a little girl – I want to know why you did what you did”

My aunt then intervened – she said “C – I don’t know what you are remembering – you must have just dreamed this up or imagined it. Uncle J - would have never done that to you honey” she had a panicked look on her face

This time it was my mom’s friend who said to my aunt:

“Please m’am let him answer her”

He sat there – I looked at him and he looked at me – he knew, and he knew that I knew and he did not flinch and he didn’t look away. He said.

“Yes C – I remember holding you and touching you – I am sorry, I never meant to hurt you”

I looked at this man – this man that I loved – this man that loved me but in a very sick way – this man that destroyed me and this man that was allowing me to rise up from the ashes of that destruction by validating what happened. I yelled:

“How could you do that to a child??? How could you??? You had a wife – you are supposed to do things like that with your wife NOT with children – you knew better than that! How many of my other cousins did you do this to???? How dare you!!!!!” I was shaking I was beginning to cry.

He said: “I am sorry I did not mean to hurt you. I am sorry”

My aunt looked like I had driven a knife into her heart – I probably had.
(A bit of a history about my aunt which I did not know at the time I did this – when she first got married to my uncle she had been found to have breast cancer – back then they did radical mastectomies on women no matter what – no breast reconstruction – so she must have seemed disfigured to him – also they were unable to have children – not that this guy had any business being around children but that also much have impacted their marriage.)

I had nothing else to say. My aunt was struggling with what had just transpired and she was looking ill. I got up – I actually thanked them for listening to me. My aunt walked us to the door – before I left I turned to hug her – I was crying and she was crying – she begged me not to tell my dad (and again this is how these things remain secrets in families) – I wanted to talk to everyone I knew about this – especially my other girl cousins - her own sister’s kids – and by the way these cousins have to this day never married, they still live at home, they have never really had ‘boyfriends’ and one of them is gay (no I am not saying that that’s the reason why – but I don’t know my other two girl cousins from this particular family spent almost every weekend at this uncle’s house and I am telling you that in my heart and mind I KNOW he did things to them too). I promised her I would not tell my dad – she later extracted promises from me not to tell my other aunts (her sisters) as well. I felt so guilty for having laid this at my aunt’s feet (she was after all my favourite aunt). (My dad went to his grave not knowing...)

I floated down the stairs to my car leaving my aunt’s house. I knew I would never have to go back to that house again. I felt a great weight had been lifted from me – I also felt a bit like I really *should* talk to my cousins – not that I needed validation – but that I did not want this to go unnoticed in this family. I knew I’d never let my children meet this man and I did not think he should be around other children I was absolutely freaked out about the idea of him doing this (or worse) to anyone else. I suppose thoughts like 'vigilante' and 'retribution' started entering my mind...

My friend held my hand – she asked me if I was OK – we stopped for lunch and I was still numb, still upset, still scarred but somehow I saw light at the end of the tunnel – somehow I knew *I’d* be OK now…

The next evening I got a call from my aunt. My husband took the call – after getting home I began crying a lot so he knew I was still pretty fragile – he asked me if I wanted to talk to her. I agreed. I got on the phone:

“Hi C – “ she said – testing...

“Hello Aunt J – “

“Are you OK?”

“Not really”

“Uncle C wants to talk to you, is that OK?”

I drew in a sharp breath – I felt the anger, the pain the fear again – Jesus would this ever end? I hesitated…barely audible:

“Yeah OK…”

He got on the line – for someone who had never been a big talker this must have been really tough on him”

“C ? Is that you? “ I answered that it was...

“Will you forgive me?”

A wave of shock kind of took over...forgive him??? Already??? I had just told this bastard what he had done to me – it took me years to even get up the nerve – forgive him???? What audacity!

“Uncle C – it’s just too soon – I just can’t right now and I don’t know if I ever will – can you understand that?”

My aunt (who was listening on the phone) said she understood – again she asked me not to tell my dad – again I promised I wouldn’t.

I was afraid for my daughter – a lot – I would talk to her about telling me if anyone ever touched her in a ‘bad’ way or in places where they shouldn’t be touching her – I still worry about children getting molested.

Time passed – my marriage failed – yes in part it was due to what I had become and what we had not become together to face this crisis and our lack of being able to connect. It wasn’t his fault, it wasn’t my fault – it’s just what was. (Since that time we’ve grown close and I think he knows how much I was hurting back then).

My life went on. I met and fell in love with my current ex (and that relationship was doomed too – but I feel more from him not being a ‘whole’ person than me not being a 'whole' person - but obviously I was still attracted to the 'wrong' type of guy for me...)

My sister was going to get re-married – I told her I could not attend if he was going to be there. They were not invited.

My dad finally passed away. My uncle’s secret remained safe. I called my aunt. I told her that he was not welcome at my dad’s funeral. She came with her two sisters – they too did not bring their husbands. My dad’s brother’s had either passed before him or were too sick to attend. My one aunt kept giving me the ‘evil eye’ I am sure she knew what was going on – I am sure her sister told her – I wanted to go over and ask her what her problem was – I wanted to ask her if her own daughters had been tainted by this – but I already felt I knew the answer and quite frankly I didn’t care what she thought of me.

Damage is a funny thing in human terms. There’s a Billy Joel song called ‘Pressure’ and there’s a line ‘You have no scars on your face…’ - well there are scars on my soul, there are scars on my psyche, there are scars on my heart from this – I *am* damaged. I will probably always have trust issues.

Forgiveness is also a funny thing – I came to realize that by holding onto all this anger it kept me a prisoner of what he had done – I had to let go. Eventually I did. Eventually my aunt and I became close again – she began dealing with colon cancer – I kept in constant touch with her. There was a function to go to in honor of my other aunt’s (the one who was giving me the evil eye) 50th wedding anniversary – my new husband and I were invited – we went. I actually hugged him – I wasn’t afraid. When my other uncle died we went to his funeral – I was able to be in the same room with him then although I don’t think we hugged.

Finally, my aunt J- passed away. I was not sure altogether about going but I did go to her funeral – I went to pay respects to her I was not going for him – although I felt his loss. He came to me – my brother was next to me – I tensed as he went to hug me – but I hugged him back. I cried for the loss of my aunt.

I have not spoken to him or seen him since. When he passes away I will not attend his funeral – in my soul (to this day) - I pray he is not allowed near little children any more but I don’t know how much damage he’s been able to cause other than what he did to me.

I’ve cried a lot about this over the years. I come to realize he robbed me of my innocence in many ways he robbed me of being a care-free little girl. I don’t’ hate him anymore. I don’t even blame him anymore. I am not sure I’ve completely forgiven him but I know I’ve been able to let go. I have, to a great extent, slayed the dragon that kept me hostage for so long. I am free of it – not of all the damage it’s caused – but I am able to function – I’ve been able to go on and love others – I am even starting to feel eventually I will completely trust someone again – as long as it’s the ‘right’ relationship. In other words we all have baggage – it’s up to you how you want to carry it and up to you to not force others to have to deal with things that aren’t their fault. I don’t lug a lodestone around with me anymore. It’s more like a pebble in my shoe...

A rose...

For my mother, Rose. Today is the anniversary of her death. It's a hard day for usually is...

We all miss you mom.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

You're so vain.....

I have an appointment tonight to get my hair done. By this I mean to cover the ‘grey’ in my hair. And yes in certain aspects of my life I am vain – I was born with dark auburn hair – I began to notice it was turning silver when I was only 26 years old – I was not about to go silver at 26. However I am still not completely silver/white and my hair is turning silver not grey. If I could go completely silver naturally I would do this in a heart beat but for now either I do my hair or I go somewhere. The challenge has always been for it to look natural. Sure there have been times when my hair was a screaming red – but for the most part I try to stay very natural. For years I used henna however I went to a salon at one point and the colourist began screaming at me for using such products.

I began to go to Aveda salons – they use plant-based products – I found a nice salon in the Coventry area and I went religiously. I used to go to a little Asian girl named Kay – she was wonderful. She left. I went to see another girl there and her idea of doing my hair was to chop it all off and then colour – loved the colour, hated the cut. I used to work in a salon back in the day down in Houston. I learned a lot about colour and cut. A couple of years back, after giving up and colouring my own hair again, C2 gave me a gift certificate to Scott Metger salon – I went there and used the certificate – the colourist was wonderful – except for one thing - for the amount of money it cost to get my colour done they left dye on my ears, on the nape of my neck – I called the next day to complain – you’d think I’d have gotten a huge apology and a discount – nope (now mind you this is a very hoity-toity salon you’d think they’d want people to not talk badly about them) – nope they apologized and that was it...

I went back one more time because I really looked good with the new colour. The girl who had done my colour was gone and she had taken not just clientele with her (a big no-no in the salon business) but she had committed a mortal sin by also taking other techs with her - bad, very bad. So I got this new person. I liked her immediately – she listened to me and after talking to me carefully she said she was going to adjust my colour – she did – it looked great. Then I mentioned that I had been looking for someone good to work with my hair. I explained that the girl that had cut my hair years ago was gone and I had not found anyone that was that good with my hair. She said she had time to do a haircut if I wanted. I felt she knew what she was doing so I agreed. I did not know she was a senior stylist and she was about to charge me almost $80 for a hair cut – Scott himself I believe charges over $100 – I was absolutely shocked when I got the bill. However (and I am not kidding here) it was the best haircut I have ever gotten in my life. I looked amazing.

I went to call and try to talk to her again and they had completely closed down the shop and moved – so now I think I know where they’ve gone but I think it’s in an even more expensive place...

So, about 5 months ago, I decided to walk into the salon within walking distance of my house. It was an Aveda Concept salon so I thought they’d know what they were doing...

I went in just to get a menu. I was talked into a cut and colour. The girl that did my service seemed nice and attentive and I told her how my hair is and all I wanted her to do was follow the existing lines of my last cut – then I explained how I wanted the colour. She did the colour first and it was nice. Then she did the cut – she completely did not listen to me. AND I ended up paying over $100 for both. I was pissed. I mean why can’t you just walk into a salon and get what you ask for???? Is there some secret code – are they angry because I know something about the business already???? So I had a function to go to and I needed to get another colour and cut – I decided to give it one more try – this time she seemed to listen better – my hair looked OK – not amazing. Well then my son asked me to take him to a nicer salon so I thought OK, I will take him where I am going – to the same girl. She charged me $35 to cut his hair and she did a crappy job – he had a major cowlick and it was sticking out – now to me a good stylist knows (geez I know this) - that you have to make sure you aren’t cutting the hair too short with those problem areas. I mean c’mon here. I’ve gone back one more time for just the colour – I saw a colour I liked on a model in a magazine – she saw me looking and we discussed it and she nailed it – I love the new colour - so I’ve been hemming and hawing about going back *there* for a haircut. I don’t relish the idea of paying $75 per haircut. But likewise, I don’t want to pay $11 for a crappy haircut at ‘Best Cuts’ either. I want a good haircut. Period. The colour is secondary and I can go back to colouring my own hair – I am actually pretty good at it – also I can try to go visit my daughter and have her crazy mother-in-law do my cut and colour – she’s really good and she refuses to charge me. I don’t want to do that though. So as I indicated, I’ll be there again tonight, last night I ran in to ask for a ‘touch up’ - this costs (supposedly) much less than a colour – I was quoted $43 – I was kind of taken aback – I said ‘for just a touch up?’ The receptionist asked me if I wanted it blow-dried – I asked ‘why will it cost more?’ She said no, it would be less $11 less – they charge $11 to blow dry someone’s hair?????? I stood there in shock and I said no, I can blow dry my own damn hair.

I am in the wrong fucking business, folks. I feel guilty for charging more than $10 for a Yoga class. We are so intent (I am speaking mainly women here) on looking good – the image’ we put forth, the way the magazines tell us we should look. I know I am not in my 20s anymore – I know for my age I look pretty good – but all I want is a nice haircut.- I don’t want to spend a fortune but I am willing to spend decent money for a great hair cut….I am at a loss for why I can’t seem to get the people at a salon where *I* am the one who has to live with my hair and it’s *MY* hair to listen to me. I was with Kay for 7 years – she did a brilliant job every time I saw her and perhaps it’s because she ‘understood’ my hair. But I just don’t know what to do anymore. It’s nuts I know but I feel the need to spew about this cause I am sure other women feel the same. Every girl here at work knew exactly what I was talking about and they all gave me advice. I just don’t want to insult anyone by dissing ‘their’ stylist...I am not going to completely fire my stylist tonight – but she’s certainly not cutting my hair anymore.

NPR : Librarian's Picks: Books for a Rainy Day

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Running through my head...tonight


Galileo's head was on the block
the crime was looking up for truth
and as the bombshells of my daily fears explode
I try to trace them to my youth

And then you had to bring up reincarnation
over a couple of beers the other night
and now I'm serving time for mistakes
made by another in another lifetime

How long till my soul gets it right
can any human being ever reach that kind of light
I call on the resting soul of galileo
king of night vision, king of insight

And then I think about my fear of motion
which I never could explain
some other fool across the ocean years ago
must have crashed his little airplane

How long till my soul gets it right
can any human being ever reach that kind of light
I call on the resting soul of galileo
king of night vision, king of insight

I'm not making a joke, you know me
I take everything so seriously
if we wait for the time till all souls get it right
then at least I know there'll be no nuclear annihilation
in my lifetime I'm still not right

I offer thanks to those before me
that's all I've got to say
'cause maybe you squandered big bucks in your lifetime
now I have to pay
but then again it feels like some sort of inspiration
to let the next life off the hook
but she'll say "look what I had to overcome from my last life
I think I'll write a book"

How long till my soul gets it right
can any human being ever reach the highest light
except for Galileo God rest his soul
(except for the resting soul of Galileo)
king of night vision, king of insight

How long
(till my soul gets it right)
[til we reach the highest light]
how long
(till my soul gets it right)
[til we reach the highest light]
how long

Indigo Girls
Words and music Emily Saliers


I am going to re-run this story as a prequel to the Carnivale story I am working on (it's to help me as well) - I am not trying to be lazy....


Tommie was the father of my first-born child - my daughter - my beautiful daughter who is now carrying her second child. God bless them and keep them safe.

Oh the memories of Tommie - it's been so long since I have thought of him, but since I am being haunted tonight, (and since his ghost decided to descend upon me on my way home from work this past Thursday), I felt should devote a blurb to him...

It was sort of weird meeting Tommie - he was the not-quite-a blind date that I met through a mutual friend - his step-cousin. Weird - very weird. He was friends with this young man who happened to be living in the apartment down the street from me - Johnny - everyone loved Johnny - you could not help yourself - he was the life of any party - and back then at the tender age of 19 yrs - party I did!
At any rate Johnny had just hurt himself pretty badly in a biking accident - he had a broken collarbone and my sister and I - who were friends with him - were helping to take care of him. That particular day it was my turn....and he told me his step-cousin, Tommie was in town and coming over and that I should hang around to meet him.

Tommie showed up - he was very dark and brooding, very unusal; he just had non-conformist written all over him - he was an artist (I did not know this then) - he was very quiet - he was kind of cute - 1/2 Cherokee Indian - great cheekbones and eyes.

We all decided to go for a ride in the car with Tommie. Johnny sat up front riding shotgun, and I sat in the back seat. I happened to glance down at the floor of this very clean car (as it turned out, it was Tommie's mom's car) and spotted a thick book by Larry Niven (Sci-Fi writer) - I asked whose book it was - don't know why I asked....there was a silence and I looked up to find Tommie staring intently at me in the rear-view mirror - he had a weird little smirk on his face and he said "Why? do you read?" - don't ask me why - but just the little look and the tone in his voice - it wasn't quite sarcasm - it was more like a challenge - kind of intrigued me.

We ended up going down to a park by Lake Erie and Tommie and I got to know each other better. He had had a very rough life and he was currently working in a carnival. He had traveled all over the place. He was very smart and very street-smart - yet he had this vunerability about him and by the time we left the park I decided I liked him enough to say yes when he asked to see me again.

Our relationship began very slowly. He was quiet and he was hard to get to know. But I loved his wit, his humour, his talent with fine-line drawing - his artwork was amazing, his easyness with everyone - his attitude which was pretty much a blend of 'Fuck you and calm down' - he was tight - he was contained - he was deep.

Eventually we ran off together - I spent a summer as a 'Carny' - very interesting stories there - it's for another post or when someone asks me to write about it...
We made our way down the Eastern seaboard, we lived in New Orleans for 6 months and then moved on to Houston, TX.

In Houston - I wound up pregnant - it was not planned - Tommie did not want me to have the baby, however, I insisted - he became sullen and abusive - he did not want to get married so we didn't. I eventually left him when my daughter was only 18 months old - a lot led up to this - including his refusal to get some much needed medical help because he was looking very very sick to a lot of us down in Houston - which included two of his 1st cousins and he ignored us all - it's like he had a death wish. 2 weeks after I left him and was living amongst friends of ours - he collapsed in a restaurant - he was rushed to a hospital and was found to have a very rare kidney disease - he was already in end-stage renal failure by then. It turned out while he was in a carnival in South America, he had drank the water and somehow picked up a parasite that basically destroyed his kidneys....

Tommie pulled up stakes and moved back to Cleveland to be by his mother. I did let my daughter grow up knowing him because I felt it was the right thing to do - he had really been being poisoned by his kidneys, and that was one of the reasons he was acting the way he had been (as a side note - because I now work with living donors and renal transplant patients (kind of ironic eh?) - I have learned so much about this disease and how it can make people crazy and nasty) - so I reasoned he deserved to get to know his daughter and every time I visited family in Cleveland he saw her. He loved her with all his heart. He was put on a waiting list for a cadaveric kidney - he ended up moving in with some girl, I ended up marrying the man who was to become my son's father.

Tommie's life after the discovery of his disease became a waiting game - waiting for a kidney and coping with the devastation of his disease process - by the time he reached the age of 29 he had suffered 7 heart attacks - the last one was so severe that his mom eventually made them stop 'bringing him back' - she felt he had suffered enough and she let him go to God. He did not live to see his 30th birthday. One of the hardest things I have ever had to witness was watching his mother and grandmother at his funeral.

So Tommie this is for you....thanks for helping me make our daughter. Thanks for teaching me it's ok sometimes to be tough, to not care, to not fall into those tender traps all the time that end up not making us true to ourselves and end up short-changing us and those we love the most.

The first time we made love - I remember that this song was playing on the radio and he told me it was 'our' song -well it truly was Tommie's song - and it describes him to a T - no pun intended my dear - you are still Tommie - who never really surrendered.

"The Pretender"

I'm going to rent myself a house
In the shade of the freeway
I'm going to pack my lunch in the morning
And go to work each day
And when the evening rolls around
I'll go on home and lay my body down
And when the morning light comes streaming in
I'll get up and do it again
Say it again

I want to know what became of the changes
We waited for love to bring
Were they only the fitful dreams
Of some greater awakening
I've been aware of the time going by
They say in the end it's the wink of an eye
And when the morning light comes streaming in
You'll get up and do it again

Caught between the longing for love
And the struggle for the legal tender
Where the sirens sing and the church bells ring
And the junk man pounds his fender
Where the veterans dream of the fight
Fast asleep at the traffic light
And the children solemnly wait
For the ice cream vendor
Out into the cool of the evening
Strolls the pretender
He knows that all his hopes and dreams
Begin and end there

Ah the laughter of the lovers
As they run through the night
Leaving nothing for the others
But to choose off and fight
And tear at the world with all their might
While the ships bearing their dreams
Sail out of sight

I'm going to find myself a girl
Who can show me what laughter means
And we'll fill in the missing colors
In each other's paint-by-number dreams
And then we'll put out dark glasses on
And we'll make love until our strength is gone
And when the morning light comes streaming in
We'll get up and do it again
Get it up again

I'm going to be a happy idiot
And struggle for the legal tender
Where the ads take aim and lay their claim
To the heart and the soul of the spender
And believe in whatever may lie
In those things that money can buy
Thought true love could have been a contender
Are you there?
Say a prayer for the pretender
Who started out so young and strong
Only to surrender

Artist: Jackson Browne

Mideast Barbie dolls don Islamic veil

Mideast Barbie dolls don Islamic veil - Yahoo! News

...and she's probably prettier than that plastic blonde too!

Bon appetit

It is that time of year again: the time when we crave comfort food and hibernate. Probably not the best thing for our figures…..however, at this time of the year my favourite thing to do is to make soup, serve it with a salad, crusty bread, and have a glass of wine (some good company is nice too!). Like my Yoga – cooking involves practice – you will never become a good cook unless you practice cooking – I love cooking and I love finding new recipes. Below I’ve listed some of my favourite (mainly vegetarian ‘cold weather’) recipes. Enjoy and comments are always appreciated. Play around with these and if you have any questions feel free to e-mail me.

This recipe is from my son’s father’s side of the family – yes it has beef in it – however if you are a vegetarian you can do this strictly with just the veggies and it will still turn out well.

Grandpa’s soup recipe (takes 2 days time)


1 good large beef soup bone
1-2 lbs stew meat (optional)
1 very large sweet onion (1-2 medium onions) chopped in big pieces
4-5 large carrots (whole)
4-5 stalks celery (try to make sure you also use the leaves on the stalks)
1 large can tomato puree
1 large bay leaf
Oregano to taste, salt, pepper to taste
1/3 cup acini de pepe pasta (orzo can be substituted) - if you want more pasta in your soup you can adjust accordingly.


In large stock pot, place soup bone, whole carrots (or break them in half), celery stalks, onion (chopped). Cover with water and put in tomato puree and seasoning (you can play around with the seasonings – I actually don’t add salt or pepper to this soup as it is very sweet and very rich on it’s own). (Note: if you want to use more meat cube stew meat and brown in pan before adding to soup mixture – add before you put in the puree). Cook over medium heat covered for 3-4 hours. Let cool and then place vat in refrigerator. Keep in fridge overnight(the purpose of this is to let the fat rise to the top of the liquid and the next day you would skim off the fat). Take the pot out of the fridge, skim off all the fat, take out the vegetables and bay leaf. Begin to re-heat the soup and bring slowly to a boil. Add the acini or orzo (note if you use orzo it will take longer to cook but it hold up better than acini does). Cook until pasta is al dente.

Serve in a bowl, sprinkle with GOOD parmesan cheese. To make is a complete meal make yourself a nice salad, have a nice piece of good hearty (Italian) bread and a glass of good red wine. Salut!


The next recipe is from an old friend of my brother’s (actually). This was the best vegetarian chili recipe I have ever had.

Lisa’s Vegetarian Chili


2 large (or 3 medium) onions, diced
3 large, (or 4 medium) cloves of garlic, finely chopped (you can use the pre-chopped garlic in a jar for this – follow instructions on jar)
2 green peppers, diced
2 red bell peppers, diced
4 tomatoes, diced (or 1 large can of diced tomatoes)
2 cans of pinto beans
2 cans black beans
3 tsp chili powder or ground ancho
3 tsp cumin
1 tsp oregano
4 tbsp (approx.) vegetable oil
Salt & pepper to taste
Hot sauce to taste
Shredded cheese and diced onions to top off
Tortilla chips

Sangria (optional)


In large sauce/stock pot, sauté onions in oil until soft, adding garlic when onions are close to being done. Add peppers, and cook on low heat until peppers become soft (you can cover the pan to speed up cooking time and draw more liquid out of peppers). Add spices at this pint and let cook for a few minutes. Add tomatoes and continue to simmer (depending on amount of juice in the tomatoes, you may have to add water to thin the chili later. Mash pinto beans thoroughly and then add to pot, continuing to simmer. Add black bean and cook on low, stirring from time to time – cook for at least an hour.

Serve with tortilla chips, you can top off chili with shredded cheese and diced onion if you like.


This next recipe is from a famous old restaurant here in Cleveburg: Sokolowski’s University Inn
It is for their wonderful Mushroom Barley Soup (again it calls for beef consume or bullion however you can get around this by adding wine or vegetable soup base).

Mushroom Barley Soup


1/3 cup of barley
3 lbs mushrooms, sliced
4 oninons, diced fine
2 quarts whipping cream or half-and-half or milk (Colette’s note: use the cream dambit!)
2 lbs sour cream
4 tbsp granulated beef base, (vegetable soup base – can be found in health food stores or organic markets) or 8 beef bouillon cubes.
1 tsp white pepper

White wine (optional)


Rinse barley thoroughly until water runs clear. Put barley in large stockpot with enough water to cover, cook for approx. 25 minutes, adding water as needed. Sauté onion in pan with no oil or butter – just until water leaves the onions. Then continue to sauté in butter, NOT margarine. Add onions to barley. Add mushrooms. Cook for another 25 minutes. Add whipping cream. Add sour cream to taste. Add beef base (veggie base) or bouillon cubes and continue to cook, stirring continuously. DO NOT BOIL. Add white pepper. When soup is warmed through, serve (with crusty bread and good white wine if you like). - Mouthy parrot 'reveals sex secret' - Jan 17, 2006 - Mouthy parrot 'reveals sex secret' - Jan 17, 2006

Polly want some arsenic?


OK girls/guys if you are going to have the gaul to 'step out' behind your S.O.'s back, make sure you are doing it where your parrot can't hear you screaming out their name!


Monday, January 16, 2006

For ladies eyes only...

It’s *that* time of the month again...

(I am not trying to write about bodily functions with the purpose of ‘grossing anyone out’ so if this is upsetting to you go read something else)

The story of my period is one of some humour (at the beginning at least) – for you see I’ve been dealing with it since I was about 11 years old (I ‘blossomed’ rather early) – since my mom was of the ‘don’t ask/don’t tell’ school when it came to talking to your kids about sex etc. I did not know what was happening to me one summer afternoon when I suddenly began bleeding. I was horrified and ran screaming downstairs in front of my mom’s bridge club that ‘I was dying! I was bleeding!’ *smirk* I am most certain my mom was as embarrassed as I was frightened – the next day we had ‘the talk’.

When I was dealing with it growing up my periods were very heavy 7 days long and I’d bleed heavily for 5 of those 7 days. After having my kids it became worse in the sense of the pain (I was lucky to not have a lot of cramping but then, when I was young I was incredibly active and that probably kept it at bay)...

For a couple years, (when I was with my ex) I was on Depo-Provera (the ‘shot’), I did not have my period for two entire years. Now some of you out there might think that was a blessing – however – I believe that having your period is one of the most natural things a woman can do, and is (to me at least), a blessing – reminding us that we are women and we have the ability to give birth (which is a miracle as far as I am concerned, as well), so NOT getting my period kind of freaked me much so that I told my ex he needed to do something permanent since we weren’t having any kids, and I was tired of either being on something hormonal or having to deal with the possibility of unwanted pregnancy.

Now-a-days, since I am advancing in my years, I take every single period I have left as a ‘gift’, a gentle reminder (although, they are not so gentle now - I am in more pain than ever…thankfully they are much shorter in duration), of the fact that I am still not quite ‘over the hill’. The heaviness as the blood runs through me, the feeling that my center of gravity is somehow ‘lower’ during these days - making me feel closer to the earth and somehow more primal, is a comfort/blessing. Sure I feel more bitchy (heaven help us could I get any more bitchy? LOL), I have migraines, I am in pain (all over at times), and, because I am getting older they come a lot of times without warnings (when I was younger I’d know a week in advance when I was getting my period), and now too they ‘skip around’ a bit so it’s hard for me to keep good track, and sure I get emotional (again that’s something I am to begin with), but I can’t help but feel graced by them as well – thankful that I a still reminded of the power that goes with being female and wistful because I know that soon I will no longer have such ‘episodes’ (and I know when that day that comes I will cry for the loss). I want to tell younger women to rejoice in the power you have within your bodies but they’d probably think I’m daft. That’s OK – think what you will – I still want women out there to know how it feels to be on the twilight end of your reproductive days (because I don’t think a lot of doctors talk to women about this stuff and I certainly don’t think a lot of us bring it up) – and perhaps know that someone out there will read this and feel more ‘at home’ in their own changing/aging body...

NPR : A Threat, Hidden in Plain Sight

NPR : A Threat, Hidden in Plain Sight

Hmmm....sounds like it might be a look see

New leader's pledge: Unite Liberia - Jan 16, 2006 - New leader's pledge: Unite Liberia - Jan 16, 2006

I was listening to NPR Firday afternoon and they were interviewing her grand-daughters...they sounded suspiciously like valley-girls....sure hope they don't have to speak at any really important events...

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Recent additions to the book and film library

I actually got a different edition of this book but Gurdjieff is one of those philosophers that as a Yoga teacher I believe is invaluable Posted by Picasa

another 'magical' and powerful film Posted by Picasa

Getting my *Irish* up

...which apparently (for me) is a very easy thing to do...I had been waiting for like 7 years to see this film - the heartbreaking story of young Irish men going on a hunger was showing the other night on HBO and unfortunately I only caught the last half hour of it - so that means somehow I will have to try to see it again...who knows when it's going to air next...

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If you are Irish - this is a 'must see' film - everytime I see it I cry - it's powerful and it's something that will stay with you your entire life..

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Finally saw this....I was dissapointed...but I *ADORE* the soundtrack (side note to Mr. C - I know you think I am crazy for having the soundtrack first but what can I say - I *AM* kind of weird...)

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Friday, January 13, 2006

Momentary Lapse of Reason

There is a moment...
And we get caught up
Realising, we are you

We dress like you
We talk like you
We act like you
We become one and the same
We are mirror images

There is comfort in this
There is safety in our numbers
Not having to think
Only alive on the surface

Smooth as silk no jagged edges
It’s the way we want to be
There’s no fear of failure
When you don’t have much invested

There is a moment...
And we know
We will never be like you

We won’t dress like you
Or talk like you
Or act like you
We despise all you represent

There is comfort in this
Being non-comformist
There’s a thrill and no safety
Living on the edge

Hard as glass and broken
It’s the way we want to feel
Failure is the best teacher
When you live in the moment

Freshmen asked to research porn online

Freshmen asked to research porn online

...and perhaps I am an *unorthodox* parent - but I see no problem with this assignment - in fact if these parents think their kids AREN'T exposed to this they are delusional (shit there are kids in grade school having sex)- and I am gong to say again we need to adopt a healthier attitude about sex in this country.

It just seems to me we need to stop being afraid of our kids learning about sex (and ALL the ramifications that come with it - including porn). I am glad I can have frank and honest discussions with my son (we actually discussed this story) - but I fear a lot of parents don't talk to their kids and that's really sad and from my OWN experience of my mother never tlkaing to me quite frankly it's dangerous too!

Dating: Positive Thinking - Newsweek Periscope -

Dating: Positive Thinking - Newsweek Periscope -

Great story from C2

Hey maybe dating a mime wouldn't be so bad.



NPR : Standing With Dr. King in Memphis

NPR : Standing With Dr. King in Memphis

Radio that makes you think...and in this case cry...I was in tears as I listened to Me. Rogers and his wife recount their experience in 'hearing' Dr. King speak - his speech that day was soul moving and forceful and the next day he was assasinated. I've been kind of out of sorts lately - but this really hit me hard for some reason....

We owe a huge debt to Dr. King and there needs to be more men like him in our world today.


It has finally happened.

After over 17 years of practice, 2 1/2 years of study, almost 5 years of teaching (1 year of waiting for the school to be registered), I have finally earned the right to have the letters R.Y.T. (Registered Yoga Teacher/Therapist) after my name.

I am not big on credentialing - in fact I think that 'piece of paper' does not mean a hill of bean with something as subjective as finding a good Yoga teacher - but then I don't put much stock in pieces of paper that say you can necessarily do ANYTHING - including be married to another human....

However, that's not how the world works and this will help open doors for me and make me more 'legit'. I AM happy about it and a tiny bit proud too.

Colette - Research: Donners didn't resort to cannibalism - Jan 12, 2006

Scouting for alternatives (Metro Times Detroit)

Scouting for alternatives (Metro Times Detroit)

Woo Woo! It's about time there were organizations like this one - it's a shame they still feel that they have to protect their identities though...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Mexico Demands U.S. Allow More Immigration - Yahoo! News

Mexico Demands U.S. Allow More Immigration - Yahoo! News

They're *DEMANDING* this??????

Yeah OK - whose country is it?

You know folks, sooner or later we are going to have to get our heads out of our asses and ALLOW them to increase the immigraiton - or - we are going to have to pick those farm crops and do all those other 'meaningless jobs' ourselves....

...but who knows *shrugs* with the way things are going in this country, pretty soon we won't have farms on which to pick crops and eventually we won't be the World's most powerful nation...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Goddess help me...

So what would you do if you found out the home-wrecking bitch that screwed your husband was going to be participating in a study where you work for 12 weeks?????

So help me God I had better not run into her...

Mouse thrown into fire sets home ablaze

Mouse thrown into fire sets home ablaze


Speaking of 'mice' perhaps I should be more careful around 'Sniffles'


Sniffles strikes again...

Yes indeed...this is going to sound really bad.

Back when the Yoga 'program' at work was non-existent (after 3 years of me pouring blood, sweat and tears into it) - I used to teach at our fitness center. I'd get 3 maybe 4 students, tops. One of them was an especially annoying student (yes Virginia, Yoga teachers get annoyed by their students), and I swear to friggin' Vishnu that she sounded *exactly* and behaved *exactly* like 'Sniffles the Mouse'

(Oh My God!)

So now that my new Yoga class is in full swing she's 'found me' again and the other night when I was dealing with the fact I was 'locked out' of the classroom I used - she was 'trying' to be turns out she was driving both myself and the security guard that was attempting to let me in the room, crazy - I finally had to tell her to go sit down elsewhere whilst we figured out the problem. When she realised I meant it she finally became as humble as a mouse *SHOULD* be and went to sit down (and shut up too! Bonus here)...

Needless to say class carried on and she was well behaved for the class (which she had not been in previous classes, constantly interrupting me to add her 'take' on the class,what her former class had been like, and why she missed it so much (although I am sure her former teacher *does not* miss her)...

So hopefully throughout this next session 'Sniffles' will keep her comments to herself and practice like the rest of us.

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David Letterman vs. Bill O'Reilly

David Letterman vs. Bill O'Reilly

The Letterman Factor!

David Letterman: 1

Bill O'Reilly: big fat zero

Go Dave

(Can you tell I am a day late and a dollar short?)


Mummified body found in front of TV

Friday, January 06, 2006

And for the kids in the audience we have:

'Toy Story' was the 'official' 'over and over again' film this time...

What I tried doing with my grandkids *this time* was have them watch mainly the morning line up on 'PBS Kids' which consisted of a lot of 'Clifford The Big Red Dog', the obligatory 'Sesame Street', and 'Mister Roger's Neighborhood' and avoiding at all costs: 'Teletubbies' and 'Boobah's' (creepy, creepy shows).

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Music for 'there and back again'...yet again

Last but certainly not least - OK so sue me, I like U2 ^_^ Posted by Picasa

And again another classic - a must (I feel) for all collections Posted by Picasa

Just based on the cover picture alone of Sting - I mean how sexy can one person get? But mainly this album was really well done Posted by Picasa

A classic Posted by Picasa

This was a real departure for the 'then' Fleetwood Mac Posted by Picasa

One of my all-time favourite albums Posted by Picasa

definitely *not* something the pastor's wife would be listening to... Posted by Picasa