Tuesday, May 31, 2011

On Co-parenting

Dear Disney Mom/Dad,

We know you already have the 'guilt thing' goin' on - but do you think you could maybe go into therapy for it BEFORE you decide that your way of rewarding the kids (who aren't doing things the way they are suppose to be cause YOU can't seem to be on the same page as the responsible parent(s) AND you refuse to be on the same page in order to help make the kids become more responsible), screws and skews everything up???? Or again, we keep forgetting....it's ALL about YOU.

BTW it must be nice to be able to afford expensive things for the kids - oh wait - that's because ON TOP of everything else, the responsible parent (you know, the one who is constantly having to clean up your f-ups) is paying for it....

The parents from Reality Planet

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The commitment-phobe generation

The commitment-phobe generation - CNN.com

I know myself how difficult marriage is, even when you are older and more stable.

I can not even begin to imagine how difficult it is for 'kids' today. I do want to say - just like picking a good time to start a family - (you can never be totally ready no matter what you do) - I think the same holds true about marriage. I think it IS wise to wait longer....but not to avoid it completely. Frankly, it's become all so damned complex....I think it is perfectly OK to NOT ever get married if you don't want to choose that path for yourself.

I truly hope the economy gets better for young people out there so that they don't have to limit themselves or postpone decisions.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The capsaicin incident

I like to pride myself that I am somewhat smarter than the average bear. Unfortunately that is not always the case.

I have suffered for many years with sinus problems. All year long - not spring or fall but all year long I have bouts where I am simply 'stuffed up' and this keeps me up at night, unable to breath, let alone sleep.

I turned to nasal sprays and mentholated Vaseline crap but I really hated it and of course using nasal sprays leads to dependence on them.

So, when I was reading my Yoga magazine toward the beginning of spring and saw and ad for Sinus Buster an 'all natural' nasal spray and a way to get rid of the suffering, without using harmful ingredients. I took the bait.

I did not completely read what was in this natural cure for my problem...like an idiot, I just brought it home, unwrapped it and that night before bed, I decided to use the spray.


It turns out the 'miracle ingredient' is PEPPER SPRAY. Yep. Go me.

I am not saying this product does not work. I am just saying that if you don't want to feel like you just inhaled mace, perhaps it's not for you....
I have since simply started using saline mist and just trying to 'deal'. But from now on, I will be sure to read all labels of any product I use 'natural' or otherwise.


Railing at the (Cold) Universe...again

...not really...but you know. Doors open, doors close. Life seems to move from crisis mode to crisis averted and back again.

For the recent answer to my prayers in terms of my own family, I'd like to say thanks (and I mean it)....

For my friend, my dear friend Mr. C - who at this moment is in the hospital and fighting to stay here - I want to rail. I want to ask...can you please leave him alone? Can you bother someone else? Can you spare him? Can you allow those of us who love him more time with him? Can you spare his family the pain?

Can you hear me?

I am doing my best to help (that sounds so f*cking lame), to pitch in, to 'be there' and it never feels like enough. I feel woefully inadequate to really help....because what I REALLY want to do - I don't have the power to do - and that is to cure his illness.

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy Birthday


Happy Birfie-day...

Erin I love you. I wish you a very happy birthday.

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